论中西方饮食文化差异 On The Cultural Differences Between Chinese And Western Food




内 容 摘 要

摘 要饮食是人类生活生存与发展的必需可是由于中西方文化传统的差异导致了中西方饮食文化在观念对象方式归属与性质方面产生了差异研究这些差异找出可以融会贯通的地方促进中西文化交流台湾张起钧教授说过古语说饮食男女人之大欲存焉由此赋予饮食以丰富的文化内涵虽然饮食文化在西方不够发达但这种不发达本身也是一种文化发展的结果所以对中西饮食文化的比较仍有意义通过对中西饮食文化差异的分析我们可以了解中西方各自的文化传统同时能对中国文化进行改善与创新关键词 饮食文化 文化传统 差异Abstract

Diet is absolutely necessary in the life of mankind and even in the existence or development Because of the differences between Chinese and western cultural traditions the Chinese and western dietary cultures are different in concept target pattern attribution and nature We study these differences and then find out the points that can be digested in order to facilitate the communication about cultures between China and the west Taiwan Professor Zhang Qijun said The old saying Eat drink man woman who wishes greatly Thus the diet is rich in culture Food culture in the west is not developed enough but this underdevelopment itself is the result of the development of a culture so it is still significant to study the dietary cultures of Chinese and Western diet By the analysis of the differences between Chinese and

western dietary cultures we can comprehend the respective cultural traditions of China and the west And we can also improve and create the culture of China

Key Words dietary culturecultural tradition differencesContents PartI Introduction 5

Part II The differences in concepts5 21 Cultural differences6

22 Comparing with the Chinesediet western diet tastes Stereotyped6

Part III Chinese diet is a sense of beauty diet7 31 This dish is \

32 Differences in targets all diet cannot be done without vegetables 8

Part IV Westerners do not seem to have such a good habit 8 41 There are more meat dishes in western lives 8 PartV The cultural behaviors 10

51 The difference cultural behaviors in western and Chinese10 52 Difference in Diet Attribution There are differences between Chinese And western diet attribution12 53 Differences in Dietary Patterns13 PartVI Conclusion14 References15

On The Cultural Differences Between Chinese And Western Food Part I Introduction

Once there is a saying that \is an indispensable condition for the survival and development of human beings There are two desires in life one is feasting them to survive and another is the lust of men and women which can help the mankind to carry on the family line Facing the two desires China pays more attention to the former while the west tends to the latter Such phenomenon affects the cultural trend Diet is actually the contents of our daily lives but why we call it culture That is because the diet has special status in the Chinese culture and it also has a great distinction between China and the west As one of the world ancient nations Chinas diet has a history almost as long as that of Chinese civilization But in western countries ancient thinkers devoted less attention to the food problem than the Chinese philosophers did and there is even not aware of it to the \degree Receiving the influence of respective cultural tradition the Chinese and western dietary culture has had different characteristic

Part II The differences in concepts

Targets patterns attribution and naturead reflected the different dietary culture in the different state characteristicsuch characteristic has enriched the research value of dietary culture

21 cultural differences

We can find out a joint enhancing the communication between China and the west through a comprehensive study of the subject It may be a great help to the

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