第三版《大学英语》1 一课一练 Unit 4

61. In the case of children, ―facing the music‖ means that they have to ______. A. take part in music lessons

Passage Two

Questions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。

Rats Have Head for Language

Researchers in Spain reported that animals, especially mammals (哺乳动物), evolved (发展)some of the skills underlying (是……的基础)the use and development of language long before language itself ever evolved.

It is the first time that an animal other than a human or monkey has been shown to have this skill.

For their study neuroscientist (神经系统科学家)Juan Toro and his colleagues at Barcelona’s Scientific Park tested 64 adult male rates. They used Dutch and Japanese because these languages were used in earlier, similar tests, and because they are very different from one another in use of words, rhythm and structure.

The rats were trained to respond to either Dutch or Japanese using food as a reward (奖励). Then they were separated into four groups—one that heard each language spoken by a native, one that heard synthesized (混合的)speech, one that heard sentences read in either language by different speakers and a fourth that heard the languages played backwards. Rats rewarded for responding to Japanese did not respond to Dutch and rats trained to recognize Dutch did not respond to spoken Japanese. The rats could not tell apart Japanese or Dutch played backwards.

Results showed that rats could discriminate (区别)natural sentences when uttered by a single speaker and not when uttered by different ones, nor could they distinguish the languages when spoken by different people. Human newborns have the same problem, although tamarins (小绢猴)can easily tell languages apart even when spoken by different people.

It was striking to find that rats can track certain information that seems to be so important in language development in humans.

The study shows which abilities that humans use for language are shared with other animals, and which are uniquely (独特地) human. It also suggests what sorts of evolutionary precursors (前身)language might have. 62. 64 adult male rats have been tested to show that ______. A. rats can be trained to speak Japanese and Dutch

B. rats have some of the skills potential to the use and development of language C. rats are able to recognize a language when it is spoken by different people D. rats can understand the words, rhythm and structure of a language 63. Dutch and Japanese are chosen to be the test languages because ______. A. they were used in earlier, similar tests

B. some rats can recognize Dutch and some Japanese

C. Dutch and Japanese belong to different families of language and they were used earlier in similar tests D. Dutch and Japanese have different words, rhythm and structure 64. Rats were rewarded when they ______. A. could respond to either of the two languages B. could respond to both Dutch and Japanese

C. could tell apart Japanese or Dutch played backwards

B. suffer their parents’ anger

D. accept harsh words from their peers

C. do a tough job given by their teacher

北京联合大学大学英语课程(上外教版)一课一练试卷 7 / 8

D. could discriminate natural sentences spoken by different speakers 65. The tests results have shown us all of the following except ______. A. rats can distinguish the languages spoken by a single speaker B. rats share some of the abilities for language with human beings

C. rats can track certain information which seems to be important in language development in humans D. rats can discriminate natural sentences spoken by different speakers

66. The sentence ―Rats rewarded for responding to Japanese did not respond to Dutch and rats trained to recognize Dutch did not respond to spoken Japanese‖ is closest in meaning to ―______.‖

A. When rats were train to respond to one of the two languages, they didn’t respond to the other

B. When rats responds to Japanese, they were rewarded. When rats responded to Dutch, they were not rewarded C. Given good rewards and special training, a rat could respond to both Dutch and Japanese D. For rats, responding to one language is less difficult than to two languages

Part V

Cloze (15 minutes)

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked [A], [B],

[C] and [D] on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。

With free time and no TV, children and adults might 67. A) entertain C) entertainment B) entertaining D) entertained rediscover reading. There is more entertainment in a good 68. A) certain C) particular book than in a month of typical TV programming. Educators B) some D) typical

69. A) into C) up

report that the generation growing up with television can

B) out D) down

barely write an English sentence, even at the college level. 70. A) level C) layer

B) time D) step

Writing is often learned from reading. A more literate new

71. A) of C) from

generation could be a product of the quiet hour. B) with D) about

72. A) produce C) production

A different form of reading might also be done, as it was

B) product D) producing

in the past: reading aloud. Few pastimes bring a family closer 73. A) when C) while

B) as D) like

together than gathering around and listening to mother or

74. A) as C) than

father read a good story. The quiet hour could become the B) with D) in

75. A) turn C) get

story hour. . When the quiet hour ends, the TV networks might

B) grow D) become

even be forced to come up with better shows in order to get us 76. A) forbidden C) prevented

B) forced D) allowed

back from our newly discovered activities.

77. A) discovered C) uncovered

At first glance, the idea of an hour without TV seems B) recovered D) covered

78. A) sound C) sight

radical. What will parents do without the electronic

B) glance D) part

baby-sitter? How will we spend the time? But it is not radical 79. A) without C) with

B) out of D) within

at all. It has been only twenty-five years since television came

80. A) take C) cost

to control American free time. Those of us thirty-five and B) need D) spend

81. A) for C) since

older can remember childhoods without television, spent B) because D) as

82. A) radio C) books

partly with radio — which at least involved the listener’s

B) time D) television

imagination — but also with reading, learning, talking, 83. A) involved C) participated

B) revolved D) resolved

playing games, inventing new activities. It wasn’t that

84. A) machines C) activities

difficult. Honest. The truth is we had a ball. B) imaginations D) generations

85. A) this C) such

B) that D) these 86. A) ball C) pastime B) proposal D) failure Part VI


(5 minutes)

Directions: Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets. Please write you

translation on Answer Sheet 2. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答,只需写出译文部分。

87. It is well known that lung cancer ______ (至少部分地是由于吸烟过多而引起的). 88. I do hope that you can ______ (拿出一个比这更好地解决办法来).

89. ______ (乍一看)the picture didn’t look good, but after examining it carefully, we found that it was indeed a

masterpiece. 90. Having been operated on twice for the disease, she was so weakened that she _______ (几乎站不起来). 91. I propose that we ______ (去办公室找史密斯教授)right after the meeting and invite him to our English


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