封面页,不设置页眉和页脚。 校徽与中英文校名标志,居中,上空一行。
封面标题,45磅黑体字,居中。 本科毕业设计(论文)GRADUATION DESIGN(THESIS)
封面标题英文,一号黑体字,居中。 封面栏目,小二号黑体字。 栏目内容,小二号楷体GB2312。若大于一行会自动换行处理。
题 目: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 学 院: 专业班级:
部门版权标识,二号黑体字,居中。 本科生院制 版面调整行。当题目等栏有2完成日期,小二号黑体字,居中。 20XX年X月
年产50万吨MTO工厂设计 采用三号黑体居中,上中文摘要为小四号宋体,首行缩进两个汉字。 下分别空一行。 中文摘要字数350字左右。 页眉为毕业设计(论文)题目,黑体小五号字,校徽校名靠左,题目名称靠右。
题目采用小二号黑体居中,上下分别空一行。 本项目为年产50万吨MTO工厂的初步设计。通过分析当前国内外MTO生产和研究现状,对生产工艺进行了选择论证。然后运用Aspen软件模拟初步的工艺流程,并通过对一系列工艺参数,如精馏塔的塔板数—产品纯度、进料塔板数—产品纯度、产品纯度—回流比、再沸器负荷—回流比等进行灵敏度分析,优化设备操作条件,提高工艺的合理性和经济性。本设计还针对工艺流程进行换热网络设计和对全局换热网络进行了优化和评估,通过内部流股之间相互换热以减少公用工程的消耗,最终优化后节约79.4%的热公用工程资源和73.7%的冷公用工程资源。本设计还运用水夹点技术优化了用水网络,根据水硬度分类处理水操作单元,并合理再生利用,使得本项目新鲜水用量和废水排放量达到最小,优化后的用水网络节约用水53.59%。本设计对于MTO工厂的生产和设计建造具有一定的现实指导意义。 空一行 关键词:工厂 设计 MTO 工艺 水夹点 网络 控制 小四号宋体加粗 关键词为3-8个,小四号宋体,各词间空一个汉字。 毕业设计(论文)整体版芯设置方法: 点击“文件(F)”(或按Alt +F键)→“页面设置”→“页边距”来设置页边距:上2.5cm,下2.5cm,左3.0cm,右2.0cm。然后点击“格式(O)” (或按Alt +O键)→“段落”→“间距”来设置行间距:1.5倍行距。(设置完成后,版芯约30行×37字) 正文前(除封面外),页脚统一用罗马数字编连续页码(含目录)。
Design of a MTO plant with output of 500,000 tons 英文题目采用小二号Times New Roman 加粗,居中,上下各空一行。可英文摘要用小四号Times New Roman, 首行缩进4个英文字符。 采用全部字母大写。 采用三号Times New ABSTRACT Roman 加粗,居中,上下各空一行。 This project is the preliminary design of a MTO plant with an annual output of 500,000 tons of light olefins. Based on the current production and research situation all through the world, the production method was selected and demonstrated. Aspen software was used to simulate the preliminary process. Heat integration method was applied to optimize the heat exchange network. Rational heat exchange between process streams were suggested which resulted in the decreasing of utilities consumption and exchanger number. The heat integration leaded to energy saving of 79.4% of heat utilities and 73.7% of the cold utilities. In addition, the water pinch technology was also implemented to optimize the water network. The water operating unit was classified according to water hardness, with a reasonable recycling. The amount of fresh water consumption and wastewater emission was minimized. The optimized water network achieved 53.59% water saving. Finally, a preliminary economic analysis to the entire project was estimated in order to get the project construction cost and profitability. In summary, this design is of some practical significance for the production and design of the MTO industry. 小四号Times New Roman加粗,顶格,Key words之间空一字符。 空一行 Key words:Plant design Sensitivity analysis Energy balance calculation Water pinch Dynamic control 小四号Times New Roman,各关键词之间空两个字符。