
PEP人教小学英语四年级上册第一单元《Unit1 My classroom》试题

单词记忆星 一、 给下列图片找到正确的单词或者词组,将序号填写在括号内。 A. blackboard B. light C. classroom D. door E. picture F. fan G. window H. computer I. TV J. teacher’s desk

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二、选择正确的单词, 正确规范地抄写在四线三格里。

map name cake make cap face


1. We have a new classroom. 挂图画。 2. Where is it? 它就在门旁边。 3. Let’s go and see! 它在哪儿? 4. Put up the picture. 我们有间新教室。 5. It’s near the door. 我们去看看吧! 视听感知星 一、听录音,判断与所听到的单词是否相符,一样的写“T”,不一样的写“F”。

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( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。

( )1. A. blackboard B. classroom ( )2. A. open B. window ( )3. A. near B. door ( )4. A. chair B. clean ( )5. A. cat B. light

( )6.A. door B. duck C. five ( )7. A. egg B. blue C. face ( )8. A. nose B. red C. blackboard ( )9.A. cake B. apple C. window 三、听录音,为下列人物选出要做的事情。

A. Clean the desk and pictures. B. Clean the window. C. Clean the floor and the wall. D. Clean the car. 1. mum 2. dad 3. Tommy 4. Lily ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 词句运用星 一、选出与所给单词同一类的单词。

( ) 1. A. picture B. red C. window ( ) 2. A. black B. door C. yellow ( ) 3. A. egg B. green C. blue ( ) 4. A. my B. your C. book ( ) 5. A. like B. wall C. clean ( ) 6. A. floor B. fan C. near


A. 我来开门。 B. 我们擦书桌吧! C. 我们挂上图画吧。 D. 我去看看。 E. 我来帮助你。

( ) 1. Let’s clean the desks. ( ) 2. Let me help you. ( ) 3. Let me go and see. ( ) 4. Let’s put up the picture. ( ) 5. Let me open the door. 三、选出正确的一项。

( ) 1. The pen ___________ yellow.

A. am B. is C. are

( ) 2.— ___________ my seat? —It’s near the door.

A. Where’s B. Where C. What’s

( ) 3. Look___________ the picture.

A. at B. in C. of

( ) 4. We have 8 new ___________.

A. light B. the light C. lights

词句运用星 一、选择正确的单词补全句子(将单词抄写在横线上)。

is are like

1. The wall __________ white. 2. I __________my new books. 3. The desks__________ green. 二、选出与图意相符的句子。

( ) 1. A. The chair is near the desk.

B. The chair is under the desk.

( ) 2. A. Clean the window.

B. Clean the floor.

( ) 3. A. Turn on the light.

B. Turn on the fan.

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