


关键词:人才流失; 人才流失危机; 危机管理;

1 Abstract

It is the most important of talents in the 21st, talents is primary

importance for the development of enterprises. Because the importance, complexity and mobility of the talents. More and more enterprise must face the problem which caused by the brain drain. In this paper, in order to investigate the importance of the brain drain crisis management of enterprises, the concept、 drain were discussed. After the crisis of the brain drain in the enterprise, enterprises through the brain drain crisis management, adopt some appropriate strategies, such as people-oriented, enhance communication, strengthen the system, improve the system, and so on. business people drain Were studied. Study on drain to the brain drain crisis management of enterprises.

Key words Brain Drain; Brain Drain Crisis; Crisis Management;

2 目录

引言 .................................................................................................................................. 1 第一章 企业人才流失危机管理相关概念 .................................................................. 2

1.1人才流失 ............................................................................................................. 2 1.2人才流失危机 ..................................................................................................... 3 1.3企业人才流失危机管理 ..................................................................................... 3 第二章 人才流失危机对企业的危害 ...............................................................

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