高中英语牛津上海版高三上册Module1 The people around us《Unit1 Reaching out》教师资格证面试试讲教案

高中英语牛津上海版高三上册Module1 The people around us《Unit1 Reaching out》优质课公开课教案教师资格证面试试讲教


Knowledge & Skills

Students will be able to understand the words, phrases, usages and main idea of the passage; Language & Goals

Students will be able to learn how to make a list of advantages and disadvantages of some modern electronic devices; Emotions & Values

Students will be able to coorperate with each other to complete a project; Students will be able to understand a thing wisely.


The analysis of students

This project is designed to help student learn and use English practically. Most students of this class will have no difficulty in understanding this article. Of course, several reading comprehension tasks are to be carried out to help all the students understand the article. They can form into groups and have cooperative learning, which contributes to their ability in communication, thus reduce the stress in finishing the project.


Important points & difficult points: 1.How to help understand the passage better.

2.How to help students develop their creative, comprehensive and consolidating abilities.


活动1【导入】? Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead in

Play a song with my mobile phone, and ask students three questions to evoke the topic of the class:

1. Do you have a mobile phone?

2. What do you do with it besides making phone calls?

Possible answers: send short messages, take photos, play videos / games, record videos, surf the Internet, listen to music , watch movies, chat with friends, etc.

3. It has been argued that mobile phones may be harmful to us. What’s your opinion on this issue? Why? 活动2【讲授】Step 2 Reading comprehension 1. Fast reading

(1) What might be the author’s attitude towards mobile phone use? ( Remind students of the reading strategy : how to read a newspaper article--- The title and The first paragragh) (2) Complete the outline of this article.

Part 1(Para1-2) : __________to the Amish way of life

Part 2(Para3-6) : ___________of the telephone and mobile phone Part 3(Para7-8) : Possible _________ 2. Careful reading

(1). Read paragraph 1-2 and answer some questions. a. Which group of people are talked about? b. What are they famous for?

c. Why do they oppose having telephones in their home? (2). Read Paragraphs 3-6 and fill in the form.

Main points about the disadvantages of using telephones/ mobile phones Supporting Details

(3). Read the last two paragraphs and discuss the following question: a. What does the author suggest at the end of the passage? b. What is the tone of the last sentence? A. Hopeful. B. Humorous. C. Depressed.

c. What might be the author’s attitude toward the mobile phone use? A. Approving B. Doubtful

C. Cautious D. Disapproving

Step 3 Summary

Summarize the disadvantages of the mobile phone use together with students.

Step 4 Discussion and writing

1. Choose a topic and discuss with your group members on this topic. Then write a list of the advantages and disadvantages of ……

2、Make a speech on the advantages and disadvantages of using these electronic device your group have chosen.

◆ Suggested structure: ü Introduction ü Advantages/evidence ü Disadvantages/evidence ü Conclusion

◆ Some inventions have changed our lives, especially mobile phones . There is no doubt that mobile phones brings about many benefits. Above all, …. Further more,(…).

As every coin has two sides, mobile phones also has some disadvantages. For one thing,(…)For another(…).

I hold the point that…,(reasons).

Step 4 Homework 1, Finish the writing.

2. Review the passage and underline important phrases. 3. Finish the exercise on Page 103.

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