新编大学实用英语教程第二册教案unit 1 - 图文

e.g. Unload jobs can be grouped 卸载作业可以和同一项目中的加载工作组合在一起。 together with load jobs in the same project. 11. n. 食品杂货店 grocery e.g. My sisters and I loved to go to 小时候,我和姐姐妹妹经常喜欢和妈妈一起去食品杂货店购grocery shopping with our mother when we were little. 12. adj. e.g. As I see it, pandas are more 我认为,熊猫比猴子更可爱。 lovable than monkeys. 13. adj. 富于想象力的,有创造力的 imaginative 可爱的;讨人喜欢的 lovable e.g. The youngest children were 年幼的孩子们不能做出富有想象力的跳跃进入另外某个人的unable to make the imaginative leap into someone else’s mind. Useful Expressions be delivered to some place 被送到,被交付到…… e.g. If you subscribe to the newspaper, it will be 如果你订了这种报纸,就会给你送报上门delivered to your door. 徒劳,无效果 in vain e.g. I tried in vain to get Sue to come with us. contribute to 我试着让苏和我们一起来,但失败了。 有助于,促成;捐献 e.g. Your hard work contributes greatly to your success 你今天的成功归功于你的努力。 today. prefer to 更加喜欢,宁愿 e.g. The important point is that many drivers prefer to 重要的一点是许多司机更喜欢平行停车。parallel park themselves. much like 非常像 e.g. A good reader is very much like a driver. He must 会读书的人就像一个司机,他必须根据change his reading speed to fit what he is reading. 料来改变阅读速度。 Step IV.(3mins) Step V.(14mins) Introducing Secrets of flowers Sentences and Grammar Focus 1. Teacher lists the language points that should be grasped by Students. 2. Teacher gives more examples to illustrate the new words or sentence patterns. Language Points: Explanation of the first paragraph 1 【原文】Every year on my birthday, from the time I turned 12, a white gardenia was delivered to my house in Bethesda, Md. 【分析】“Every year on my birthday”、“from the time I turned 12”两个时间状语,前一个表示“a white gardenia was delivered”具体时间;后一个表示整句发生的时间起点。 【原文】After a while I stopped trying to discover the sender’s identity and just delighted in the beauty and heady smell of that one magical, perfect white flower. 【分析】整句为“I stopped doing... and just delighted in ...”, 是and并列句。“the beauty and heady smell of---”亦为and并列短语。 e.g. To my teacher I dedicate this dictionary in token of affection and gratitude. 我谨以此词典献给我的老师,以表示对他的爱戴和感激之情。 Explanation of the second paragraph 2 【原文】But I never stopped imagining who the giver might be. 【分析】“But I never stopped doing ...”句型。“who the giver might be”为“imagining”的宾语从句。 e.g. She is a girl who loves unwisely. 她是一个恋爱轻率的姑娘。 【原文】Some of my happiest moments were spent daydreaming about someone wonderful and exciting but too shy to make known his or her identity. 【分析】本句主体是“”Some moments were spent doing ...”。 “someone wonderful and exciting”为定语“wonderful and exciting”后置修饰“someone”。 “... too shy to make ...”为“too ... to ...”句型“太……而不能……”。 e.g. Now if he was too stupid to have it, then of course he would have been liberated into the realm of action. 如果他因为太愚昧而不能有这种幻想,那么当然他能自由行动。 Explanation of the third paragraph 3 【原文】She would ask me if there was someone for whom I had done a special kindness who might be showing appreciation. 【分析】“ask me if ”,if从句做“ask”宾语从句。而“there was someone for whom I had done a special kindness who might be showing appreciation.”句中,“for whom”做“someone”的定语从句中“I had done a special kindness for whom...”,因而用宾格“whom”;而“someone...who might be showing appreciation”用主格“who”。 【原文】As a teenager, I prefer to imagine that it might be a boy I had a crush on or one who had noticed me even though I didn’t know him. 【分析】主体句型:“ I prefer to do that ( 从句 )”。“that”引导的宾语从句“it might be a boy... or one who... ” who 引导一个定语从句“ who had noticed me even though I didn’t know him” Explanation of the fourth paragraph 4 【原文】In truth, my mother wanted her children to see themselves much like the gardenia—lovely, strong and perfect—with a quality of magic and perhaps a bit of mystery. 【分析】主体句型:“... my mother wanted her children to see themselves much like ...”。 Explanation of the fifth paragraph 5 【原文】That was the year the gardenias stopped coming. 【分析】强调句型“That was the year(that)”。“... the year (that) the gardenias stopped coming. ”中“the year”是先行词,“the gardenias stopped coming”是定语从句。 【延伸】强调句型引导词可以是“it”也可以是“that”;定语从句引导词“that”常常省略。 e.g. That should be the mother who raised five great sons including two generals, two professors and an artist. 那是养育了五个孩子的伟大母亲,包括两个将军,两名教授和一名艺术家。 e.g. We will never forget the days that we spend together, singing and dancing. 我从来都不会忘记我们一起唱歌、跳舞的日子。 Step VI.(3mins)

Activity 1 Reading comprehension: Choose the best answer according to the text. Key: 1. D 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. D

序号 周次 Unit 1 Teaching Objectives Teaching Important and Difficult Points Presentation; Communicative Teaching Method; Audio-visual Teaching Method Teaching Methods Teaching Aids Multi-media teaching ,such as audio and video files. Teaching Process Step I.(10mins) Teaching process design Exercise of Text A (The student book P12) Activity 2 Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of words given in the brackets . 1. Nowadays, more and more restaurants offer free _________( deliver) for takeaways ordered online in China. 2. Believe it or not, but it was true that the boy with poor hearing grew up to be an _______ (imagine ) artist. 3. Have you_________ (load ) the car after you got back from the supermarket? 4. Her kindness makes her a_________ (love ) person in the neighborhood. 5. The__________ ( mystery) flower delighted the girl for days. Key to Activity 2 1. delivery 2. imaginative 3. unloaded 4. lovable 5. mysterious Activity 4 Translate the following sentences into English with the expressions given in the brackets. 1. 给我们打个电话,我们就会把花送到您的家门口。(be delivered to) _________________________________________________________________2. 他的努力没有白费,最终他获得了硕士学位。(in vain) _________________________________________________________________ 3. 和平、安定、统一能极大地促进一个民族的发展。(contribute to) _________________________________________________________________4. 许多住在城市的人更喜欢住在农村。(prefer to ) _________________________________________________________________ 5. 你很像我的英语老师,既善良又耐心。(much like) _________________________________________________________________ Key to Activity 4 3 课程 课型 1 班级 日期 教师 主任签字 Love Exercise, Grammar and Translation 1. Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the words given in the brackets. 2. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence. 3. Translate the following sentences into English with the expressions given in the brackets. 1. The conversion of nouns, verbs, and adjectives 2. Sentence structure and words forms; 3. The Usage of words' multiple meanings in translation

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