英语:Unit5 Canda-the true north-reading教案(新人教版必修3)

Unit5 Canada—“The True North”—Reading教案

A trip on “The True North”

Learning aims: ?

learn the useful new words and expressions in this part:

Chat; surround; measure; aboard; within; border; rather than; settle down; manage to do; catch sight of; have a gift for ? ? ? ?

learn the knowledge of Canada.

Develop reading ability and learn different reading skills. learn how to read a travelling report and how to use a map Stimulate interests in learning about foreign countries.

Important points:


Read the passage and learn about the geography, main cities, natural beauty and natural resources of Canada. ?

learn different reading skills. (skimming; scanning; detailed reading, referring; etc.)

Difficult points:

? ?

. Develop our reading ability.

learn about some basic information and talk about Canada.


Step1 Leading in a quiz. ( How much do you know about Canada?) Step 2 Reading I.

Skimming(略读) 2ms Reading tips 通览全文,获得大意,不要在意细节和生词,找到问题答案即可。一定要快哟!

Skim the passage and then answer the following questions: 1)

What is the passage mainly about?

It is about ______ of two girls; and it tells us some information about ______. 2) What is “The True North”?

The True North is a name of ___________. II.

Scanning(跳读) 4ms

Reading tips:

It is a travelling journal (游记) so we should find out the essential items (基本项目) in it. Scan the passage and find out characters(人物), places and their travelling route(路线). Characters: Places :

Route: Draw a travelling route on the map on P33 III. Detailed reading( 细读) 10ms

Read the passage more carefully and find more information about Canada. Then finish the following tasks .

Task 1 A trip on “The True North” place Vancouver information It is ___________ by mountains and the Pacific Ocean. People can _____ in Rocky Mountains and sail in the______. Wet climate makes the trees extremely tall, some ___________ over 90 meters. The Rocky Mountains They managed to __________some mountain goats, a grizzly bear and an eagle. Calgary It is famous for ____________. Many cowboys ______________ riding horses and can win thousands of dollars in prize. a wheat-growing Farms cover thousands of square____. It is a busy port city at the top of the Great Lakes in an ______ area. Ocean ships can ________the Great Lakes. province Thunder Bay Task 2 Do you know what they refer to(指代)? They could cross the whole continent…(para. 1)

? Its population is increasing rapidly.(para. 2) And much of it is in the Great Lakes.( para. 4) Task 3 Translation Bar (译译吧, 译林高手出招吧!) ? ?

That afternoon, the cousins got on the train and then sat in their comfortable seats

Some people have the idea that you can cross Canada in less than five days, but they forget the fact that Canada is 5,500 kilometres from coast to coast. ?


Step 3 Talking Bar(谈谈吧)Let’s share your ideas. If someday you go to Canada, where will you go? Why? Step 4 Homework

? ?

Learn the useful words and expressions by heart.

Write a short passage to report what Li Daiyu and Liu Qian saw in Canada.

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