
Unit One

Title: Business I. Listening Practice 1 Pre-listening. Key: 1. agreemnent 2.disagreement 3.amusement 4.surprise 5.interested 6.don’t know something 7.meet someone for the first time 8. say hello or goodbye 2 Core listening. Task 1 Key: 1. Lucy Chang told Andrew Lu to call her “Lucy”. 2. Andrew Lu is from Phonix, Arizona. 3. Now she is in the human resources department. 4. She was in the sales department for six years. Task 2 Key: 1.T 2.F 3.T Task 3 Key: Business introduction general rules two equals to each other administrative assistant stand up full attention make eye contact confident and a good listener a thousand words avoid embarrassing Task 4 Key: 1.B 2.A 3.B Practical Listening Listen to the dialogue and complete the chart 40% 33% 17% 10% 9% 18% 44% 29% II Fun Listening Task 1. 1. show business 2. experience millionaires 3.planning to fail 4.Define your business goal 5.messure of success tough problems Task 2. Supposed out of sight loneliness confess sign breathe blinded planned

Unit Two

Title: Marketing I. Listening Practice 1 Pre-listening. Key: 1.attend 2.before hand 3.agenda 4.minutes 5.signing 6.apologies 7.aproves 8. previous 9.items 10.included 11.consensus 12.even 13.casting 14. proxy 15.quorum 2 Core listening. Task 1 Key: Marketing department: Sales Sales promotion Advertising Human resources department: Recruitment and personnel training Production department: Production control purchasing Manufacturing Quality control Engineering support Finance department: financial management Accounting Task 2 Key: 1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F Task 3 Key: companies lines stages profitability

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