



靳驰 电话:15086711672 重庆市璧山区来凤中学





所谓思维导图又称为概念图(concept maps) ,是指一套概念及其联系的两维表达方式(two - dimensional representations of a set of concepts and their relationships) (Novak & Gowin ,1984) 。概念,是指用某种标志(label) 来表示的某事件或物体,这种标志往往是一个词,有时是某种符号。图式通常包含一系列被放置在方框或圆圈中的概念,中间用线连接起来,连线上的词语表明两个概念之间的关系。英语的阅读教学中,将阅读材料中最重要的信息进行组织整理,并用自己的语言将它转换成系列图式的形式,使概念之间形成体系和层次,并能方便交互。这样,运用图式分析可以使得困难、复杂的内容非常清晰、系统地凸显出来,因而能帮助我们更深刻地理解阅读内容,更容易地组织和记住所读材料,也有助于组织语言材料进行写作练习。


1. 图表型(Charts) :用图表型图式来对人物、地点、事件、观点、质量、描述或数据等进行比较。(to compare and contrastpeople , places , events , ideas , qualities , descriptions , or facts) 。关键性的问题有:What things are being compared ? How are they similar ? How are they different ?

2. 大脑风暴型(brainstorm) :又称为蛛网型(Spiders) ,用来描述中心思想、概念及其支撑说明(central idea or concept withsupport) ,或表示主题、描述等的主次关系及相互联系。(to show primary - secondary relationships or inter relationships of themes or descriptions ,etc. ) 。关键性的问题有: What is the central idea ?What are its attributes ?What are its functions ?

(MI =Main Idea ,SI = Supporting Idea/Major Detail ,D = Detail)

3. 树型(Trees) :又称为分层结构目录(Hierarchies) ,用来表明类别、分类、分析、结构、描述和举例。(to show categories ,classifications , analysis , structures , descriptions , and examples) 。关键性的问题有:What is the

superordinate category ? What are the subordinate categories ? How are they related ? How many levels are there ?

4. 链型(Chains) :用来表明过程、原因、结果、时间顺序和步骤。(to show processes , sequences , causes and effects , chronological order , and steps) 。关键性的问题有:What happened first? What happened next? What happened last? 等。

5. 解决问题型(Problem/ Solution) :用来表明问题、解决措施以及结果。( to show a problem , attempted solutions and results) 。关键性问题有:What was the problem ? Who had the problem? Why was it a problem ? What attempts were made to solve the problem ? Did those attempts succeed ? 等。

6. 互动型(interaction) :表示人与人之间或团体之间的相互关系。关键性的问题有:Who are the persons or groups ? Whatwere their goals ? Did they conflict or cooperate ? What was the out come for each person or group ? 等。

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