


院 、 部: 电气与信息工程学院 学生姓名: 指导教师: 职称 专 业: 自动化 班 级: 完成时间: 2013年5月

摘 要




Temperature is the common industrial production process parameter, any physical

change and chemical reaction process closely is related with the temperature. In scientific research and production practice in many fields of temperature control in the occupied an extremely important position especially in the metallurgical, chemical, building materials, food, machinery, petroleum industry, which play a decisive role role. For different production conditions and technological requirements of temperature control, the way of heating, fuel, control scheme is also different.DCS have strong generality, flexible system configuration, control function concentrated operation of the perfect, convenient data processing, display, man-machine interface friendly, simple installation, convenient debugging and running characteristics of safe and reliable. It is able to meet the needs of industrial production process of all kinds, to further improve the level of production automation and management level, improve labor productivity, ensure safe production. This paper introduces the current situation of the development of the DCS control system, all kinds of Temperature characteristics, DCS configuration, remove theatrical makeup and costume and control principle, completed the DCS realize Temperature setting value control system experiment development, through the operators stand, DCS distributed process control system, THJ-3 type of advanced process control object system experiment device for the Temperature in fixed value control, the experimental results are discussed and summarized in this paper. This experiment can make I understand the DCS control principle and method of use, for the future study and work lay the foundation.

Keywords: DCS;Temperature setting value control;The configuration

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