


八年级下册《Go For It》单元知识点、考向

Unit1《What’s the matter?》

1、What’s the matter? ?询问病情 ?意义、用法、同义句

2、辨析too much/many 与much too/many 注意:too much相当于much用,much too相当于too用 3、lie down ?lie的词性变化 ?短语考察

4、take one’s temperature 给某人试表(短语考察) 5、need 使役动词与情态动词的考察

6、in the same way 以同样的方式(辨析其它way的词组) 7、without(prep.)反义词为with

8、辨析see sb do sth和see sb doing sth(一个强调全过程,一个强调正在进行) 9、get off 意义及用法

10、expect expect sb to do sth (辨析与hope,wish 的区别及搭配词组) 11、to one’s surprise 短语考察(辨析surprise有关词语的词性、词组) 12、agree agree to/with sth (disagree用法与其一样)

13、thanks to ?短语用法:放在句首 ?辨析thanks to和thanks for 14、in time 辨析in time 与on time 15、think about 考察think的常用词组

16、情态动词should的用法:?加动词原形,无人称和数的变化 ?用于征求对方意见,意为“应该”17、反身代词:?构成 ?用法 ?常用词组 18、hit sb on/ in + 部位

19、hurt 辨析hurt,injure,wound的区别

20、be used to doing sth 其同义词组为be accustomed to doing sth 21、take risks risk doing sth 短语考察 22、because of 辨析because和because of 23、run out of 辨析run out of,run out,use up 24、不定式作目的状语的用法(to do...)

25、mean ?mean和meaning 句型转换 ?mean to do/mean doing 26、important名词:importance

27、keep on doing ?keep doing sth = keep on doing sth ?keep sb doing sth 28、decision ①decide to do sth 决定做某事 ②make a decision to do sth 29、give up 意义及用法 give up doing sth

Unit2《I’ll help you to clean up the city parks.》

1、clean up ①clean up代词作宾语时的位置 ②常见“V+up”构成的动词短语辨析 2、cheer cheer up 短语考察 cheer sb up 使某人开心起来 3、volunteer volunteer to do sth 志愿做某事 4、come up with 短语考察、类似短语考察

5、put off put off doing sth = delay doing sth = postpone doing sth 推迟做某事 6、notice 意义及用法(notice sb do sth 和notice sb doing sth 辨析) 7、used to 辨析used to,be used for和be used to doing 8、alone 意义及用法(adj:lonely) 9、several 意义及用法

10、raise 常见raise的搭配(辨析rise与raise,raise是及物动词,rise是不及物动词) 11、动词+副词 短语考察及辨析

12、动词不定式 不定式的句法作用(不定式短语作宾语:eg:I found it difficult to learn English,it为形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的动词不定式)

13、fix up ?同义词repair ?代词作宾语时,放在短语中间 14、take after 辨析take after,look like,be similar to

15、give away give有关的短语考察辨析 give out = hand out分发,散发

16、set up 建立(短语考察)区别set up 与found,found多指建立...组织等,set up多指创立记录等 17、imagine imagine后面加名词、代词、动名词作宾语 imagine doing sth 18、difficulty have difficulty (in) doing sth have difficulty with sth 19、carry carry,bring,take,get辨析 20、excited 副词形式excitedly 21、kind 名词形式kindness 22、clever 意义及用法

23、work out 与help out的辨析 work out = solve 解决 help sb/sth out 分担某事、帮助某人

Unit3《Could you please clean your room?》

1、Could I/you please...? ?有礼貌的提出请求(委婉语) ?肯定回答常用语、否定回答常用语 2、take out take 短语辨析 拓展:take to意为“养成...的习惯、沉溺于...,take in吸入,take after效仿3、sweep the floor 短语考察

4、throw throw 有关的短语考察 throw away 和throw sth at sb,详见点拨

5、neither ?neither+情态动词/助动词/be动词+主语 ?neither...nor...既不、也不,连接主语的时候谓语动词就近原则。

6、as soon as 引导时间状语从句(主将从现) = the moment = the instant the moment = when 7、borrow ?辨析borrow,lend ?常用短语borrow sth from sb 8、as...as 中间adj或adv一定为原级

9、hate hate sb/sth hate doing sth = hate to do sth 10、make/let/have sb do sth get sb to do sth

11、stress (n.)压力 (v.)强调、给...施加压力 be stressed out(adj) 12、in order to ?so as to ?否定形式

13、provide provide sth for sb = provide sb with sth

14、depend depend on 短语考察 拓展depend on = rely on = count on 依赖于... 15、develop 词义及词性转换,其名词形式为development

16、since 意义及用法 前面是现在完成时、后面是一般过去时,或者翻译为既然、因为

17、take care of 考察意义及用法,考察同义短语look after 注意take good care of = look after well 18、ill ?辨析ill 和sick ?短语be ill

19、drop 短语考察 drop in on sb 顺便拜访某人 drop at spl 顺便拜访某地 come over to顺便拜访 20、the+比较级,the+比较级,越来越...

Unit4《Why don’t you talk to your parents?》

1、Why don’t you...? ?后面加动词原形 ?表示建议的几种方式(同义句):Why don’t you? = Why not?=How/What bout+doing? 2、allow allow sb to do sth

3、What’s wrong? ?询问情况 ?同义句

4、look through ?考察意义及用法 ?有关look短语辨析(抓住语境)look up查阅 look over检查身体 5、work out 考察意义及用法 = solve解决 work on从事、致力于,work at 6、get on with = get along with 考察意义及用法、get有关词组辨析 7、elder 辨析older与elder(older是年龄大,elder是辈分大) 8、instead ?考察意义及用法 ?短语instead of的用法

9、whatever 以及其他...ever一类词的考察、同义转换(no matter...) 10、offer offer sb sth = offer sth to sb offer to do sth 乐意做某事

11、communicate ?名词形式communication ?短语搭配communicate with sb 12、mind sb/one’s doing sth 句式考察

13、return ?考察意义及用法 ?考察同义短语give back/go back/come back

14、pressure 词义考察、短语考察(under pressure),pressure是物理压力,stress是精神压力 15、opinion 句式考察(in one’s opinion...) 16、so that 句型用法、同义句转换

17、cut out 删除 cut 有关词组辨析:cut in 插嘴,cut up切碎,cut down 减少、削弱、砍倒 18、develop 名词为development 动词意义:养成、发展、冲洗 19、continue 辨析continue to do sth 与continue doing sth

20、辨析compare to 和compare with,若A与B比较谁更好时,to和with都行 21、push 意义及用法、与其他动词的辨析 push sb so hard 把某人逼得太紧

Unit5《What were you doing when the rainstorm came?》

1、rainstorm 词汇考察 注意类似的snowstorm,sandstorm

2、What was sb doing...? ?过去进行时时态考察 ?考察作肯定回答、否定回答、改为一般疑问句 3、go off 短语考察及易混淆短语辨析,go off的多个意思,详见点拨 4、wait for 短语考察、后面加to do表目的状语 wait for sb to do sth 5、heavily ?辨析heavy和heavily ?heavily修饰实义动词

6、rain heavily,snow heavily,blow strongly,shine brightly 注意这些动词与副词的搭配 7、suddenly 同义词组all of a sudden

8、pick up ?短语意思考察 ?pick up 后面接的宾语为代词时,代词放中间 ?pick up有无意形成,无意间学会的意思,pick-me-up(n.)令人兴奋的东西 9、report 词汇考察、句型It is reported that... 据报道...

10、beat 词汇考察、辨析beat、defeat、win 11、against be against 反对的 be for 支持的 12、at first 意义及用法、辨析at first,first,firstly

13、fall asleep ?短语考察 ?fall asleep,fast asleep,sleepy辨析

14、rise ?词汇考察与用法 ?辨析raise和rise(弄清楚哪个为及物动词,直接加宾语,哪个为不及物动词,后面要加介词才能加宾语)

15、while ?辨析when 和while ?常用引导过去进行时 ?while后面可以加持续性动词,when通吃 16、realize 词汇考察及用法

17、complete 副词形式completely、同义词、词组 complete to do sth = finish doing sth 完成做某事 18、silence 相关短语in silence、同义短语

19、date 表示日期、对日期的提问(n.) 约会 date with sb(v.)=make an appointment with sb 20、truth true的名词形式 come true = come to the truth 21、as well 与too、either等易混词的辨析

22、have a hard time(in)doing sth have a hard time with sth 在某方面、做某事有困难

Unit6《An old man tried to move the mountains.》

1、weak 词汇意义及用法:be weak in = be poor at 2、remind ?remind sb of sb/sth ?remind + that 从句 3、a little bit 短语意义及用法

4、instead of ?辨析instead和instead of ?instead of + V-ing ?instead of doing = rather than doing 5、would do rather than do = would rather do than do = prefer to do than do 宁愿做...也不做... 6、turn sth into sth = change sth into sth 意义及用法

7、excite 辨析excited(加人)和exciting(加物) excite sb 刺激某人,使某人兴奋 8、western 词汇意义及用法,其它方位词的词汇意义、形式转换 9、once upon a time 词汇考察及意义 = long long ago 10、long before 很久以前 before long 不久之后 = soon

11、get married to sb/be married to sb 与某人结婚,marry sb 娶了某人,marry sb to sb 把某人许配给某人 12、marriage(n.)婚姻,wedding(n.)婚礼

13、can’t stop doing sth 与can’t help doing sth,一个是情不自禁做某事,一个是忍不住做某事(有区别) 14、as soon as,so...that等引导的状语从句

15、stupid 意义及用法,辨析stupid、silly、foolish

16、whole 意义及用法、辨析all与whole all the day = the whole day 17、lead 意义及用法 lead sb to do sth 带领某人做某事,lead to 通向、导致 18、辨析hear sb doing sth 和hear sb do sth

19、voice 词汇意义及用法,辨析sound、voice、noise 20、brave 意义及用法,用来表达人的特征,be brave to do sth

21、关于不准:forbid doing sth 不准做某事 forbid sb to do sth 不准某人做某事(与allow用法一样)

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