
◆询问某人的外貌特征 例句

--What does she look like? --She is tall and thin. ◆询问颜色 例句

--What color is your shirt? --It is pink. 练习


1.“Z”is black. (对划线部分提问) ____ ____ is “Z”

2.___ ____ is your ____? (你的橡皮是什么颜色?) 3.She is short and thin.(对划线部分提问)

she ? 4.-- your phone number?


5.It is a ruler.(对划线部分进行提问) ?

小结(让学生回顾这节课所讲内容,老师补充) 测试

1.--- What color is an orange? --- It’s ______.

A. white B. black C. orange D. blue 2.--- ____________ ? --- It’s Y.

A. What color is it B. What it C. What’s that D. How are you 3.--- What color is it? --- It’s ____.

A. A map B. ruler C. green D. an orange 4.--- What color are these quilts? --- _________________.

A. They are white. B. It’s white.

C. There white D. These are white 5.--- What color is the panda? --- It’s ______________.

A. red and white B. black and white C.blue and white D. black and brown 连词成句

6. color, is, what, that

________________________? 7. cup, the, brown, is

________________________. 8. favorite, what, color, is, your __________________________? 9. are, they, purple

__________________________. 10. your, black,ruler, is


课程名称: u2 T3 Whose cap is it?

教学内容:名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词,名词所有格 教学对象:仁爱版初一学生 教学目标:(1--2次课)

1.学会并准确应用形容词性物主代词以及名词性物主代词 2.了解简单的名词所有格


Teaching Steps

Step 1: Leading-in


Step 2: Teaching and Drills


形容词性物主代词 my 我的 your his her 她的 its 它的 our 我们的 their 他们的 你(们)他的 的 定义

形容词性物主代词:起形容词作用,用在名词前,起修饰作用,表明该名词所表示的人或物是\谁的\或属于谁的。形容词性物主代词后面必须是名词。 例:

(1). This is my book. 这是我的书。

(2). We love our motherland. 我们热爱我们的祖国 练习 翻译

1. 他的画 ____ drawing 2.她的老师____ teacher 3.它的名字______ name 4我的计算机_____computer 5你的猫_____cat 6她的书包____school bag


1. She is a student , __ name is Han Mei. A. its B. her C. his

2.He's a student. mother is a teacher. A. its B. her C. his

3.Excuse me, is this car? your B. he C. you

4. bag is new and his bag is new, too. A. I B. My C. me

5. It’s a dog. I don’t know name. A. it’s B. its C. it

6. --what’s this? --It’s ______pencil.

A.my a B.a my C.my the D.my

知识卡片2 名词性物主代词

mine 我的 yours his hers 她的 its 它的 ours 我们的 theirs 他们的 你(们)他的 的 定义

名词性物主代词是在物体已经指出的情况下而所来代替已知物体的物主代词,后面不需要加上已知名词。 The book is mine. 这本书是我的。 The room is hers. 这个房间是她的。

There is a bike. It's his. 这有一辆自行车,这辆自行车是他的。 练习


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