

Lesson 1

Listen and say

Can you come out and play with me? I'm sorry I can't.对不起,我不能。 I'm making a card for my mom. Tomorrow is Women's Day.明天是妇女节. Oh,yes.哦,是的.

Tomorrow is March 8th.明天是三八妇女节 I want to make a card for my mom,too. Let's also make one for Miss Wang. Look and read March 8th 三月八号 Women's Day 妇女节

a woman/women 一个女人/女人们 a man/men 一个男人/男人们 Let's practice 练一练

Can you come out and play with me? I'm sorry I can't.对不起,我不能. Yes,let's go.是的,咱们走吧. Listen and write

1.Let's make a cake a March 8th,Women's Day,

for our teacher.

We can also make cards for them. 2.Can you help me?你能帮我么? I'm sorry I can't.对不起,我不能.


I'm busy now.我现在很忙.

Let's say

March winds and April showers,三月的风和四月的雨

Bring forth May flowers.带来五月的花. can 能you 你sorry 对不起March 三月 woman/women 女人/女人们

Lesson 2

Listen and say

Sara,we are going to plant trees this afternoon.

March 12th is our Tree-planting Day. People plant trees is April in America. We plant many things in spring. I like spring.我喜欢春天. Planting is fun.种植很有趣. Look and read

Tree-planting Day 植树节 a tree 一棵树April 四月 Let's practice

What are you going to do this afternoon? We are going to plant trees this afternoon. to see grandma 去看奶奶 to make a cake 做蛋糕

to see the monkeys in the zoo 去动物园看猴子

to swim in the sea 去海里游泳


Listen and write

1.Match 12th is our Tree-planting Day. The American Tree-planting Day is on April 25th.

2.We plant vegetables and many things in spring. Let's say

The cold wind blows,冷冷的风吹着 In winter it snows.冬天下雪了

Spring makes flowers grow,春天让花朵生长 Taller and taller trees will grow.树会越长越高

plant 栽种April 四月份many 很多 UNIT ONE I LIKE SPRING

Lesson 3

Listen and say

The trees are turning green.树木都变绿了. Look at the ground.看看地上,

The grass is also coming out.小草也钻出来了.

Green trees,green grass,绿色的树木,绿色的小草,

and colorful flowers.五颜六色的花朵. Spring is here.春天到了 I like spring.我喜欢春天 Look and read

a leaf/leaves 一片叶子/树叶


colorful flowers 五颜六色的花朵 turn green 变绿 Let's practice

The trees are turning green.树木都变绿了. They are so lovely.它们真是可爱. Listen and write

1.The trees in the park are turning yellow. 2.Some leaves on the trees turn red in fall.

They are lovely.

3.There are a lot of red and brown leaves on the ground. Let's say

Spring brings songbirds from far away.

Happy music they sing all day.

Spring is colorful and bright.春天是多彩明亮的.

It is March,April and May.它在三月,四月和五月.

turn 变成,变为

lovely 可爱的ground 地面;地上 UNIT ONE I LIKE SPRING

Lesson 4

Now I can say

Can you come out and play with me? I'm sorry I can't./Yes,let's go. What are you going to do this afternoon?


We are going to plant trees this afternoon. The trees are turning green.树都变绿了. They are so lovely.它们真可爱啊! Now I know Now I can read

al ball球 tall高的 small小的 call叫 always总是

or sports运动 short短的 forty 40 horse马 our four 四

Paul is walking towards the sports ground. Mr Short bought forty horses.

I have four short forks.我有四个短的叉子. Now I can write. Now I can do.

1.Follow the example and change.

2.Choose the right word for each picture. UNIT TWO THINGS ARE DIFFERENT

Lesson 5

Listen and say Look.

That's our national flag.那是我们的国旗. You national flay is a rectangle. There are five yellow stars, one big star and four small ones. Your national flag is also a rectangle. There are fifty stars.有50个星星.


Your flag is red and yellow . Our flag is red,white,and blue. Look and read a star 一颗星星 a flag 一面国旗 a rectangle 一个矩形 Let's practice

How many stars are there?那里有几颗星星? There are five yellow stars, one big star and four small ones. Listen and write.

1.There are many bright stars in the night sky.

2.Can you see the colorful flags on the playground? 3.Is your school big? No.Our school is a small one. Let's say

Twinkle,twinkle,little star,星星闪啊闪, How I wonder what you are!让我多迷恋, Up above the world so high,高挂在天边, Like a diamond in the sky.钻石般闪亮. our 我们的flag 旗star 星small 小的 UNIT TWO THINGS ARE DIFFERENT

Lesson 6

Listen and say

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