SYNOPSYS VCS常用命令使用详解(2013-01-18 09:28:08)


1. 编译verilog文件成为一个可执行的二进制文件命令为:vcs source_files

2. 运行该可执行文件:./simv

类似于NC, 也有单命令行的方式:vcs source_files -R -R 命令表示, 编译后立即执行。 vcs常用的命令选项如下:

-cm line|cond|fsm|tgl|obc|path 设定coverage的方式 +define+macro=value+ 预编译宏定义 -f filename RTL文件列表 +incdir+directory+ 添加include 文件夹 -I 进入交互界面 -l logfile文件名 -P 定义PLI的列表(Tab)文件

+v2k 使用推荐的标准

-y 定义verilog的库 -notice 显示详尽的诊断信息 -o 指定输出的可执行文件的名字,缺省是simv

+ nospecify 不对SPECIFY 模块进行时序检查和路径延时计算

+ notimingcheck 不进行时序检查;但是还是把path延时加入仿真中

Summary of vcs compile options:

-ASFLAGS \-B generate long call instructions in native assembly code (HP only)

-CC \-CFLAGS \-LDFLAGS \line only

-I enable interactive/postprocessing debugging capabilities

-ID get host identification information -M enable incremental compilation (see manual)

-Mupdate enable incremental compilation and keep the Makefile up-to-date

-Marchive[=N] create intermediate libs to reduce link line length; N objs per lib

-P plitab compiles user-defined pli definition table 'plitab'

-PP enable optimizer postprocessing capabilities for vcd+

-R after compilation, run simulation executable

-RI after compilation, run simulation under xvcs (Implies -I)

-RIG run simulation under xvcs without compiling (executable has to exist)

-RPP run xvcs in postprocessing mode (requires file created by vcdpluson)

-V[t] verbose mode; with 't', include time information

-as foo use foo as the assembler -cc foo use foo as the C compiler -cpp foo use foo as the C++ compiler -e specify the name of your main() routine. (see manual

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