unit 1教案

《学术英语》 教 案

( English for general academic purpose)

外国语学院 2016年8月


( English for general academic purpose)

教 案

外国语学院 2016年8月


课程代号 课程英文名称 开课单位 课程类别 总学时 开课根据 课程执行大纲 授课使用教材 编写(修订)人 编写时间 修订时间 使用时间 授课专业 934403005 Academic English- an integrated course 外国语学院 学科基础课 68学时 内蒙古财经大学2015版人才培养方案 内蒙古财经大学外国语学院《学术英语教学大纲》 季佩英主编,《学术英语综合》,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2014年7月 李艳,师少华,柳桂媛 (2016年8月) 2016-2017学年第一学期 15会计3,4; 15税收实验; 15人文地理与城乡规划;15审计2;15公共关系;15金融工程1;15市销;15保险学;15法学3; 15劳动与社会保障;15审计1;15投资学;15财政学1,2; 15人力管理1; 15法学2 自然班授课 本学期课程授课计划(附教学日历) 授课班级 授课学生人数 附件

Week 1/2/3

Unit 1 Economics

1st week--Lead-in & Text A Teaching Objectives: 1. Professional Knowledge

Get acquainted with some important economic concepts(e.g. the invisible hand, signaling theory, antitrust law, comparative advantage,etc.) 2. Reading

Summarize the main ideas of a text and identify essential supporting points

Understand difficult sentences (e.g., sentences with abstract meaning or ambiguous reference)

Analyze complex or controversial issues critically (e.g. monopoly, free market vs. government regulation, etc.) Course Structure (6 periods/unit) (1) Lead-in & Text A (2 periods) (2) Text B&,Text C& exercises (2 periods)

(3) Research, lecture or seminar and writing practice (2 periods) Teaching key points:

1. Know how to draw an outline for the text . 2. Know how to identify essential supporting points. 3. Get acquainted with economic concepts. Teaching difficulties:

1. Help Ss to read and think critically. 2. Guide Ss to know more economic concepts. Teaching Methods:

Task-based language teaching, Audio-lingual method, situational language teaching, communicative teaching method, class discussions, classroom demonstration activities

Teaching Procedures: Lead-in and text A 1. Lead-in activities

(1) Help Ss have a general idea about the concept of economics. (2) Question for Ss to discuss:

--How do you celebrate Spring Festival? Write down your activities in the table in the textbook and analyze whose skill and labor are required to make these activities possible.

--Share your answers with your partner and discuss the following questions: What’s the power that leads people to work and cooperate? What do you understand about economic life from the table? 2. Text A

(1) General Reading :

a. Read the text quickly and find out English expressions from the text with the help of the English explanation.

b. Write down Chinese equivalent for each underlined word in the following sentences then find as many synonyms as possible. (2) Reading in depth:

Read the text carefully and answer the following questions.

Q1. What is he purpose of mentioning \Q2. Why won’t we give thanks for \et..turkey..weekend…newspaper. \

Q3. What controls grocery to stock up on turkey and Hollywood to release big movies ?

Q4. Whose skill and labor are required to bring turkey to the table ? Q5. What does \

Q6. Can you give other examples to show the effects of \(3) Abilities of thinking

a. Summarize the main ideas of Text A and draw an outline for it. b. Work in pairs and answer the following questions.

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