Lesson 3.doc 作业

Lesson 3

Ⅰ.根据括号中所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式。 1.Yesterday I ________(寄)a present to my sister who is in another city. 2.Timmy ____________(借)a pen to me last week .

3.There is not a ______________(一个的)word on the paper . 4. I stayed at home the ___________________(整个的)day.

5.They went to that ______________(博物馆)the day before yesterday. 6.The old man gave me a ____________(友好的)smile . 7.He made a big ____________(决定)on that day .

8.She often goes to that ______________(公共的)park near her house . 9.The heavy rain ____________(损坏)my weekend .

10.Hans has been a _________(服务员)in a restaurant for many years. Ⅱ.用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空

1.I___________ (send )a postcard to my friend Tom yesterday . 2.He __________(go )to the school library every day . 3.The old man ___________(live)there since 1978. 4.The film _____________(begin)before we got there. 5.I _________ (not understand)what he said just now. Ⅲ.单项选择

1.You shouldn’t smoke and make such big noise __________public. A. in B. on C. at D. for

2.I am sorry that I can’t__________ such a big decision at the moment. A. plan B. do C. make D. work 3.What you had done ____________my plan completely. A. has spoilt B. had spoilt C. spoilt D. spoils

4.My mother was very angry__________ me and began to shout at me . A. at B. in C. for D. with

5.Would you please ________some money ________me ? I want to buy a new bag. A. borrow; to B. lead; to C. borrow; from D. lend; from 6.Tom is always very friendly__________ others. A. for B. with C. to D. at

7.My sister was very ill last week and I had to ____________a doctor for her .

A. send to B. send C. be sent D. send for 8.____________the whole .he is a good student . A. At B. In C. On D. For

9.What do you think __________the film that we saw today? A. over B. about C. for D. on

10.Yesterday morning I ___________a lot of time in traffic jam. A .took B. afforded C. charged D. spent Put in simple past form of the verbs in brackets.

Last week my sister ___________ (lend) me her new cookery book. Yesterday I ________ (sit) in my kitchen and _________ (read) it. Then I __________ (go) to the shops and __________ (buy) some eggs, flour and other things. I __________ (come) home again and __________ (put) it in the oven.

Then minutes later the telephone __________ (ring). It __________ (be) my sister. We talked and talked. I ____________ (forget) about the cake. At last I ________ (say) goodbye. ‘Something’s burning!’ I ___________ (think), and I __________ (run) to the kitchen. My beautiful cake was _____________ (spoil). Part Six: Rewrite these sentences like the examples.

1. He lent a book to me last week. He lent me a book last week. 2. She sent them a letter. She sent a letter to them. 3.His


bought a




___________________________________________________ 4.








_____________________________________________________ 5.



given some




______________________________________________________ 6.


passed the




__________________________________________________________ 7.



do a




___________________________________________________________ 8.



$ 100





Lesson 4

Ⅰ.根据括号中所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式。 1. 1.I have been to many ___________(不同的)places in China. 2. 2.Tom is working for a big _______________(公司).

3. 3.I ________________(收到)a few postcards from my friends last week . 4. 4.Mr. Smith lives in a small town In the _____________(中心)of the country. 5. The football game we watched yesterday was very _____________(令人兴奋的) 6. My father was an ______________(工程师),but he has retired now. 7. He says he has never been _________________(在国外)before.

8. Sophie and her sister went to _______(参观)the museum yesterday afternoon. Ⅱ按照括号中的要求改写下列句子

1. He and his wife are having dinner now. (用现在完成时改写句子)

2. My mother is opening the window. (用现在完成时改写句子)

3. Helen has done her homework. (用现在进行时改写句子)

4. He got to the cinema .The film had begun. (用before连接两个句子)

5. I was watching television in the living room. The telephone rang. (用when连接两个句子


1. He must have had a very _______holiday .You can see the _____smile on his face. A. exciting; excited B. excited; excited C. excited; exciting D. excited; exciting 2. I _______a present from John today ,but I didn’t __________it.

A. accepted; received B. received; accept C. accepted; accept D. received; receive 3. He has made________ friends since he came here A. a great number of B. much C. a lot D. a plenty of

4. These two brothers are very different_______ each other _______personality(个性). A. from;with B. to; in C. from; in D. in; in

5. I found this story book very __________and it was very cheap, too.

A. interested B. interesting C . interest D. interests 6. Our school lies in the __________of the city. A. centre B. side C. inside D. outside

7. My brother went to England at 16 and he _________there since then A. had stayed B. stayed C. was staying D. has stayed 8. They live in a big house ____________windows face south. A. whose B. that C. which D. what

9. There are _______great number of stars in the sky but no one can tell___ __number of them A. the ;a B. the ; the C. a ; the D. a; a

10. He ____________a good writer .He ___________twelve books so far. A. has been; has been writing B. is ;wrote C. was; has written D. is; has written

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