
⑾Bank of New York, New 支票账户行和支票存款客户 York”与“BBB Corp., New York”之间有何关系?

(二)根据所给条件填写支票。 ⑴Drawer ⑵Drawee ⑶Payee ⑷Date and place of issue ⑸Amount

Cheque No.57931 London ,7th, Jan., 2001 The National Westminster Bank Ltd., London Pay to the order of Philips Hong Kong the sum of SEVENTY NINE THOUSAND FOURTEEN STERLING GBP79,014 POUNDS For and on behalf of Thames Enterprises Ltd., London Authorized Signature(s)

(三)根据所给条件在支票上划线。 出票人在支票上划线“Not Negotiable”;2、收款人在支票上特别划线,委托Bank of East Asia, Guangzhou做光票托收;3、Bank of East Asia,Guangzhou在支票上再特别划线,委托Bank of East Asia, New York代收票款。

Thames Enterprises Ltd., London The National Westminster Bank Ltd., London Philips Hong Kong 07/01/2001,London GBP79,014 ______________ Not Negotiable _______________ Check No.XXX New York, 20th, Mar., 2002 AMERICAN EXPRESS BANK LTD., NEW YORK Pay to the order of AAA Company, Guangzhou the sum of Six Thousand US Dollars USD6,000 00 To American Express Bank Ltd. For and on behalf of New York Funda Electricity Supply Co. Ltd. Authorized Signature(s) _____________________________________ Pay to Bank of East Asia, Guangzhou _____________________________________________ Pay to Bank of East Asia, New York for collection ______________________________________________

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