
Do you know that now in the soccer field, there are three most famous soccer players in fans’ minds: They are Messi, C Ronaldo, and yes, Kaka’.

Today I am gonna introduce my favorite soccer player——Kaka. And he is the reason why I like football.

Kaka is only a nick name, and his real name is somehow hard to remember: Ricardo Izecson dos santos Leite.

Kaka was born in Brasilia on April.22nd 1982. He comes from a middle-class family so he was well-educated, and he often got good grades when he was young. However, because of his football dream, he gave up his study and became a professional soccer player in S?o Paulo. He first became famous because he scored 2 goals in a very important game in Brazil, and in 2003, he joined one of the greatest football club——AC Milan, and began his legend.

He soon caught everyone’s eyes in this fashion city not only for his perfect skills and performances on the soccer field, but also his charming face and good reputation. As a football player, he kicked a great number of fabulous goals and became more and more valuable. As a husband, a father and a son, he was loyal to his family and his God. And that’s why he became a celebrity of one of the most famous luxurious brands Armani.

In 2007, he helped AC Milan win the Champions League; his

performance deserved a word to describe: phenomenon.

And various awards came towards him. He became FIFA World Player of the year, got the Golden Ball Award and so on. In that year, he got all of the honors a football player could have. He finally became a real superstar.

However, in 2009, he was forced to join Real Madrid and was in his poor condition. Because of his injuries, he didn’t do well in the latest 4 seasons. Fans doubted him, the coach only wanted him to be a substitute (which means only stay on the bench). But he never thought of giving up. He never complained, but only practices over and over and over again. His Chinese fans, such as me, also never stopped encouraging him, and finally made him understand our love never disappeared. He said last week,” Chinese fans are my best doctors and assistant coaches; it is they who helped me recover from the depression.”

As a reward, he eventually come off the bench and does well recently. We can see that he is approaching his best condition and trying not to let his fans down. If it was his skills, modest and kind that won our respect, now there is another reason to add: His never giving up, never losing hope. He once said:” I never lose my dream, because only the dream can be achieved.”

Let’s wish Kaka a better future and a big smile every day. On your way to success, we’ll always be your companions.

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