

2019学年第二学期三年级英语期终考查卷 (本卷满分100分 完卷时间 50分钟)

Ⅱ. Listen and circle.听录音,选出你所听到的内容编号,读一遍。(10分) ( ) 1. A. glass ( ) 2. A. shape ( ) 3. A. park ( ) 4. A. sweet ( ) 5. A. grow

B. grass

B. parent

C. gloves

B. shop C. ship

C. party

C. sour

Part 1 Listening 听力部分(40分)

Ⅰ. Listen and choose.听录音,选出你所听到的句子编号,读一遍。(8分) B. salty B. blow C. slowly

…号…… 学… ( … … … … … … ( … 名……姓… … ( … … … … … …( 级…… 班… … … ( … … … … … 校…学… ( …… …… … ( … … … … … … … …

… … C. Charlie has a chair.

) 2. A. These are my eyes. They’re big. B. They are my ears. They’re big. C. These are my ears. They’re big.

) 3. A. What colour are the leaves? They are green. B. What colour are the trees? They are green. C. What colour are the leaves? They are red. ) 4. A. What do you like? I like dolls. B. What do you like? I like balls. C. What do you like? I like kites.

) 5. A I have a big circle and two small rectangles . B.I have a big circle and two big rectangles. C. I have a big circle and two big triangles. ) 6. A. There are many toy cats in the toy shop.

B. There are many toy trains in the toy shop.

C. There are many toy cars in the toy shop. ) 7. A. Is it spring? No. It’s winter. B. Is it spring? No. It’s autumn. C. Is it autumn? No. It’s spring. ) 8. A. I can smell the apple with my nose.

B. I can touch the apple with my hands. C. I can taste the apple with my mouth.

( ) 6. A. body B. baby C. bread ( ) 7. A. rain

B. train

C. rainy ( ) 8. A. socks

B. shoes

C. scarves ( ) 9. A. GN5746 B. JN5764


( )10. A. the third of March B. the first of June C. the fifth of May

Ⅲ. Listen and judge. 听录音判断,与录音内容相符的用√表示,不符的用×表示,读两遍。(6分) 1.



( )

( ) ( )

4. 5. 6.







Ⅳ. Listen and give the response. 听录音,选正确应答句编号,读两遍。(6分) ( ) 1. A. No, I don’t.

B. Yes, I can. C. Yes, I am.

( ) 2. A. That’s all right. B. OK.

C. Thank you.

( ) 3. A. It’s spring

B. It’s autumn.

C. It’s summer.

( ) 4. A. I can swim. B. I can ski. C. Yes, I can.

( ) 5. A. These are jackets. B. There are jackets. C. They are jackets. ( ) 6. A. It’s a rectangle. B. It’s a circle. C. It’s a star.

Ⅴ. Listen and judge 听短文判断,相符的用“T”,不相符用“F”表示 读两遍。(5分)

( ) 1. Jim is nine years old.

( ) 2. Jim has a small head and a big body. ( ) 3. His mouth is small. ( ) 4. His favourite fruit is peach. ( ) 5. Jim can swim very well.

Ⅵ. Listen and choose the best answers. 听录音,根据短文内容选出正确答案的编号,读两遍。(5分)

( ) 1. The children are in the _____.

A. children’s garden

B. park

C. zoo

( ) 2._______is playing with his dog.

A. Ben

B. Tim C. Alice

( ) 3. The kite is _______.

A. purple and yellow B. pink and green

C. pink and yellow

( ) 4. I can ______.

A. ride a bicycle B. fly a kite C. read a book ( ) 5. Today is a ________day.

A. tired

B. happy

C. clever

Part 2 Reading and writing 笔试部分:(60分)

Ⅰ. Copy the sentences. 正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写及标点符号。(6分) in japan there are two childrens days

__________________________________________________________________ Ⅱ. Translation. 中英互译(10分)

1. 十根手指 ______________________ 2. 拍照__________________________ 3. 一双白袜子_____________________ 4. 酸菠萝________________________ 5. 可爱的熊猫_____________________ 6. 两个正方形______________ ____ 7. go fishing _ 8. touch your shoulders____________ 9. take a rest _______________ 10. have a class party ______________ Ⅲ. Write down the correct contents. 按要求写出恰当的内容 (8分) 1. soft(反义词)____________

2. zoo(同类词)____________ 3. fun(形容词) ____________ 4. houses(单数) ___________ 5. foot(复数) ____________

6. see(同音词)____________

7. I(复数) _____________ 8. flower(划线部分发音相同)_________ Ⅳ. Choose the best answers. 选择正确的答案,将其编号填在前面的括号内(12分) ( ) 1. Look at ___ant. It’s____ small ant.

A. an...an

B. the...a

C. the...an

( ) 2. How ____ the oranges taste? They are sweet. I like _______. A. do...they

B. are...them

C. do...them

( ) 3. I go to the zoo ______my parents _____the first of June.

A. with...on

B. for...on

C. with...in

( ) 4. What shapes are the cakes? ___circles.

A. There are B. These are

C. They are

( ) 5. These toy ____are cool. I like this toy ____best.

A. buses...bus

B. bus...bus

C. buses...buses

( ) 6. Supergirl and Superdog ______Moon Pies.

A. likes

B. are

C. like

( ) 7. It is _______. We can plant trees in the park. A. cold and rainy

B. warm and rainy C. cool and rainy

( ) 8. ____ the coat. It’s too hot.

A. Make off B. Turn off C. Take off 2. It’s spring. It’s___________.

The_________ grow and grow. We go to the ___________. We have a ____________ in it.

( ) 9. Kitty ______ a new friend. _____name is Eddie. A. has...His B. has...He’s ( ) 10. The grasshopper likes ________in autumn.

A. sing and dance B. singing and danceing C. singing and dancing C. have... His

( ) 11.Look! I can draw______.

A. yourself

B. myself

C. me

( ) 12. A: Let’s sing a song together. B:_________.

A. Yes, of course.

B. Thanks.

C. Great.

Ⅴ. Read and fill in the blanks. 读一读,填入合适的单词,每格一词。1. Do you like ___________? No. I like lions. 2. I can clap with my _____________. 3. It’s a sunny day. The sky is _____________. 4. Touch the glass. It’s _____________.

5. Look at the ruler. It has three sides. It’s a ___________. 6. There are many _________ in the classroom.

Ⅵ. plete the sentences.根据图片,完成句子,每格一词。(8分)

1. A: Can I help you?

B: Some ___________.

A: Please ________ them. Are they nice? B: Yes, they are. I like them. A: How__________?

B:__________, please.

How happy!

Ⅶ. Read and fill the blanks. 根据短文内容填空,每格一词 (5分)

Today is Saturday. It’s a sunny day. Judy is hungry, but there is no food in the fridge.(冰箱)Judy wants to buy some food. She goes to the supermarket. Now she is at (6分) the supermarket. There is much food such as cakes, cookies, sandwiches(三明治)and so on in it. Look! The sandwich is like a triangle. It’s soft. But it’s expensive.(昂贵)Judy can’t afford(负担) to buy it. Finally, she spends five yuan on the cookies. She likes to eat.

1. How is the weather? It’s ___________.

2. Where is Judy now? She’s at the _____________. 3. What shape is the sandwich? It’s a _____________.

4. Why (为什么)doesn’t she buy the sandwich? Because it is ____________. 5. How much are the cookies? ___________ yuan. Ⅷ. Writing写话: 至少写5句 (5分) My favourite ________

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