
unit 1 TextA

Love and logic: The story of a fallacy 爱情与逻辑:谬误的故事

1 I had my first date with Polly after I made the trade with my roommate Rob. That year every guy on campus had a leather jacket, and Rob couldn't stand the idea of being the only football player who didn't, so he made a pact that he'd give me his girl in exchange for my jacket. He wasn't the brightest guy. Polly wasn't too shrewd, either. 在我和室友罗伯的交易成功之后,我和波莉有了第一次约会。那一年校园里每个人都有件皮夹克,而罗伯是校足球队员中唯一一个没有皮夹克的,他一想到这个就受不了,于是他和我达成了一项协议,用他的女友换取我的夹克。他可不那么聪明,而他的女友波莉也不太精明。 2 But she was pretty, well-off, didn't dye her hair strange colors or wear too much makeup. She had the right background to be the girlfriend of a dogged, brilliant lawyer. If I could show the elite law firms I applied to that I had a radiant, well-spoken counterpart by my side, I just might edge past the competition.


3 \dispense her enough pearls of wisdom to make her \“光彩照人”,她已经是了。而我也能施予她足够多的“智慧之珠”,让她变得“谈吐优雅”。 4 After a banner day out, I drove until we were situated under a big old oak tree on a hill off the expressway. What I had in mind was a little eccentric. I thought the venue with a perfect view of the luminous city would lighten the mood. We stayed in the car, and I turned down the stereo and took my foot off the brake pedal. \are we going to talk about?\

在一起外出度过了美好的一天之后,我驱车来到了高速公路旁一座小山上一棵古老的大橡树下。我的想法有些怪异。而这个地方能够俯瞰灯火灿烂的城区,我觉得它会使人的心情变轻松。我们呆在车子里,我调低了音响并把脚从刹车上挪开。“我们要谈些什么?”她问道。 5 \“逻辑学。”

6 \“好酷啊,”她一边嚼着口香糖一边说。 7 \doctrine of logic,\I said, \a staple of clear thinking. Failures in logic distort the truth, and some of them are well known. First let's look at the fallacy Dicto Simpliciter.\“逻辑学的原理,”我说道,“即清晰思考的主要原则。逻辑上出现的问题会歪曲事实,其中有些还很普遍。我们先来看看一种叫做‘绝对判断’的逻辑谬误。” 8 \“好啊,”她表示同意。

9 \Simpliciter means an unqualified generalization. For

example: Exercise is good. Therefore, everybody should exercise.\“‘绝对判断’是指在证据不足的情况下所作出的推断。比方说:运动是有益的,所以每个人都应该运动。”

10 She nodded in agreement. 她点头表示赞同。

11 I could see she was stumped. \I explained, \too simple a generalization. If you have, say, heart disease or extreme obesity, exercise is bad, not good. Therefore, you must say exercise is good for most people.\


12 \is Hasty Generalization. Self-explanatory, right? Listen carefully: You can't speak French. Rob can't speak French. Looks like nobody at this school can speak French.\“接下来是‘草率结论’。这似乎不言自明,对吧?仔细听好了:你不会说法语,罗伯也不会说法语,那么这所学校里好像是没有人会说法语。”

13 \said Polly, amazed. \“是吗?”波莉吃惊地说。“没有人吗?” 14 \\generalization is reached too hastily. Too few instances support such a conclusion.\“这也是一种逻辑谬误,”我说,“这一结论太草率了,因为能够支持这一结论的例证太少了。” 15 She seemed to have a good time. I

could safely say my plan was underway. I took her home and set a date for another conversation.

她似乎学得很开心,而我也可以放心地说我的计划正在稳步推进中。我把她送回家,并且定下了下一次约会交谈的日子。 16 Seated under the oak the next evening I said, \first fallacy tonight is called Ad Misericordiam.\第二天晚上,坐在那棵橡树下,我说:“今天晚上我们要谈的第一个逻辑谬误叫‘文不对题’。”

17 She nodded with delight. 她高兴地点了点头。

18 \applies for a job. When the boss asks him what his qualifications are, he says he has six children to feed.\“听好了,”我说,“有个人去申请工作,当老板问他有什么应聘资格时,他说他有六个孩子要抚养。”

19 \this is awful, awful,\she whispered in a choked voice.


20 \it's no argument. The man never answered the boss's question. Instead he appealed to the boss's sympathy — Ad Misericordiam.\“对,是挺可怕的,”我表示赞同地说,“但这不是理由。这个人根本没有回答老板的问题,而只是在博取老板的同情,这就是‘文不对题’。”

21 She blinked, still trying hard to keep back her tears.


22 \said carefully, \discuss False Analogy. An example, students should be allowed to look at their textbooks during exams, because surgeons have X-rays to guide them during surgery.\“接下来”,我小心地说,“我们来讨论‘错误类比’。举个例子:学生考试时应该允许看课本,因为外科医生在做手术时可以看X光片。”

23 \“我喜欢这个主意,”她说。

24 \the discussion. The inference is wrong. Doctors aren't taking a test to see how much they have learned, but students are. The situations are altogether different. You can't make an analogy between them.\“波莉,”我抱怨道,“别打岔,这一推论是错误的。医生们不是在参加考试以检查他们学到了多少,而学生却是。他们的情况完全不同,你不能将他们作类比。” 25 \said Polly.

“我仍然认为这是一个好主意,”波莉说。 26 With five nights of diligent work, I actually made a logician out of Polly. She was an analytical thinker at last. The time had come for the conversion of our relationship from academic to romantic.


27 %under our oak, \we won't discuss fallacies.\“波莉,”当我们又一次坐在那棵橡树下的时候我对她说,“今晚我们不讨论逻辑谬误了。”

28 \she said, a little disappointed.


29 Favoring her with a grin, I said, \have now spent five evenings together. We get along pretty well. We make a pretty good couple.\


30 \Generalization,\said Polly brightly. \as a normal person might say, that's a little premature, don't you think?\“草率结论,”波莉伶俐地说,“或者是按一般人的说法,这个结论有些不成熟,你不这样认为吗?”

31 I laughed with amusement. She'd learned her lessons well, far surpassing my expectations. \I said, patting her hand in a tolerant manner, \plenty. After all, you don't have to eat a whole cake to know it's good.\我被逗得笑了起来,她功课还真学得不错,大大超过了我的预期。“亲爱的,”我开口说,同时宽容地拍了拍她的手,“五次约会已经够多了,毕竟你不需要吃掉整个蛋糕才知道它是不是好吃。”

32 \Analogy,\said Polly promptly. \premise is that dating is like eating. But you're not a cake. You're a boy.\“错误类比,”波莉立即回应。“你的前提

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