【外研版】2019秋高中英语必修2配套习题:Module 3 第1课时_含解析

Module 3 第一课时


1.He became deaf during the last years of his life, but he continued________(作曲). 2.When the professor finished his lecture, the a________ clapped their hands warmly. 3.He showed musical t________ when he was very young. 4.He wants to be a p________to work on the farm. 5.I like to read Chinese________(古典的)poetry.

6.He likes music very much and wants to be a m________in the future. 7.His father is a famous________(乐队指挥).

8.He was regarded as a mathematical________(天才)when he was very young. 9.The pianist is on his first concert______(巡回演出). 10.The story is about a p________and a beautiful girl.

答案:1.composing 2.audience 3.talent 4.peasant 5.classical 6.musician 7.conductor 8.genius 9.tour



be known as more than be impressed with hear of as well as go deaf change...into... encourage...to... 1.Zhou Jielun ________ a pop singer all over China. 2.As he grew older, he began ________.

3.We ________ the beautiful sight when we finally climbed to the top of the mountain. 4.At present, people ________ farmland ________ wasteland as they have cut so many forests.

5.________ 200 000 people died in the tsunami that happened in the area of Indian Ocean. 6.She ________ her younger sister ________ become an accountant, like herself. 7.Have you ever ________ the Red Group? They are a pop group. 8.Jack ________ his family went on a trip to America last week.

答案:1.is known as 2.to go deaf/going deaf 3.were impressed with 4.are changing; into 5.More than 6.encouraged; to 7.heard of 8.as well as


1.His excellent performance gave a deep impression on the audience. The audience were________ ________________his excellent performance. 2.The tourists are travelling in Singapore. The tourists are________in Singapore.

3.After he worked there for 20 years, he left the factory. ________ ________ ________for 20 years, he left the factory. 4.Not only he but also his friends enjoy playing football.

His friends________ ________ ________he________playing football. 5.Before you told me, I didn't know the matter. I________know the matter________you told me. 答案:1.deeply, impressed, with 2.touring 3.Having, worked, there 4.as, well, as; enjoy 5.didn't; until Ⅳ.单句改错

1.By the time he arrived at the station, the train left.

________________________________________________________________________ 2.The teacher, as well as his students, are going to have a picnic tomorrow.

________________________________________________________________________ 3.It was at a party where I met Tom.

________________________________________________________________________ 4.He has finished seventy percent of the work. The rest are left undone.

________________________________________________________________________ 5.She is best known as her work on the human brain.

________________________________________________________________________ 答案:1.left前加had 2.are改为is 3.where改为that 4.are改为is 5.as改为for Ⅴ.语法填空

1.There ________ a large audience at the Grand Theatre, watching the opening night of the play.

答案:was 考查There be句型。句意:在大剧场里有许多观众正在观看晚间开幕式的演出。由句式结构可知,这是一个There be句型。根据主谓一致原则,因后面是a large audience,所以系动词用单数。

2.(2013·潍坊高一检测)He showed a great ________ for languages when he was very young.

答案:talent/gift 考查名词。句意:很小的时候,他就表现出很好的语言天赋。show a talent/gift for意为“表现出……天赋”,为固定搭配。

3.________(retire), he joins the club for old men and plays chess every day there. 答案:Having retired 考查非谓语动词。句意:退休后,他加入了老年人俱乐部,并每天在那里下象棋。此处having retired作时间状语,相当于时间状语从句after he has retired。

4.The new play will ________several big cities in China this year.

答案:tour 句意:今年这部新剧将在中国数个大城市举行巡演。tour作动词,意为“巡回演出,旅行”,符合句意。

5.Email, as well as telephones, ________(play) an important part in daily communication. 答案:is playing 考查主谓一致。句意:除了电话,电子邮件也正在日常交流中扮演着重要角色。as well as连接两个并列的主语,谓语动词的单复数形式与as well as之前的主语email保持一致,故谓语动词用单数形式。

6.________life pace continues to speed up, we are quickly losing the art of enjoyment. 答案:As 考查连词。句意:随着生活节奏的加快,我们正迅速失去享受生活的乐趣。表示两个发展变化中的情况时常用as,意为“随着”,符合句意。

7.Shella forgot all about the dog and the TV set, deeply ________(lose) in the new magazine that had come in the mail.

答案:lost 考查非谓语动词。 由句意可知由于Shella沉迷于邮件中的新杂志,所以她忘记了狗和电视。deeply lost为过去分词作状语,表示原因。

8.She as well as the other students ________ (learn) how to drive a car.

答案:has learnt 在A as well as B作主语时,谓语动词要和A的人称和数保持一致。 9.________ the end of six months, Karl Marx ________(learn) Russian well enough to read books in it.

答案:By; had learned 句意:六个月结束时,马克思的俄语已经学得足够好以至于能用其阅读书籍了。by后接表示过去的时间状语时,多与过去完成时连用。

10.Thanks to the good policy of the government, the shabby houses the miners used to live in have been changed ________ apartments.

答案:into 句意:多亏政府的好政策,矿工们过去居住的低矮房子变成了住宅楼。change...into...“把……改变成……”,符合句意。

11.Could it be in the restaurant in ________ you had dinner with me yesterday ________ you lost your handbag?

答案:which; that the restaurant之后有介词in,表明要用which来引导定语从句;本句为强调句,强调的是地点状语in the restaurant,故第二空用that来连接句子的其他部分。

12.________(fail) to reach them on the phone, we sent an email instead.

答案:Having failed 现在分词短语作原因状语,且主语we与fail之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系,又因分词短语表示的动作先于谓语动作而发生,故用现在分词的完成式。

13.(北京高考改编) ________volleyball is her main focus, she's also great at basketball. 答案:while 考查让步状语从句。根据主句内容可知,她也擅长打篮球,由此可知排球是她的强项,故选while引导让步状语从句。

14.Jiuzhai Valley is a place known ________ its natural beauties and clean air.

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