


Practical Tourism English

旅 游 实 践 英 语 (第2版) 下册 教 师 用 书

吴 云 编著





Unit 11 Meeting & Banquet Service 会议与餐饮服务 Unit 12 Exhibition Service 展览服务

Unit 13 Health & Recreation Service 休闲康娱服务 Unit 14 Shopping Service 商场促销

Unit 15 Local Tour Guide Service 地陪导游服务 Unit 16 Travel Destination 旅游景区(点)服务

Unit 17 Handling Problems & Emergencies 处理问题和突发事件

Unit 18 Handling Customer Complaints 顾客投诉处理 Unit 19 Checking Out 结帐离店

Unit 20 Selling the Travel Market 旅游市场营销


Unit 11 Meeting & Banquet Service


1. Bistro style

2. Classroom style 3. U-shape style 4. Boardroom style 5. Theatre style

6. Hollow square style

Dialog I

a. F b. T c. F

Dialog II

1. The center stage can be hydraulically raised or lowered in tiers.

2. A roving microphone will come in handy so that the audience could get the opportunity to

raise questions or give the voices.

3. Because there is a simultaneous translation system.

4. The laptop computer is connected with the rear screen projector over the lectern.

Dialog III

1) c 2) c 3) c 4) d 5) a

Dialog IV 1)


portion food) speciality starter 2)

a drink you have before you eat (of a serving of food

special food which a restaurant offers the first course of a meal

a. Say that you need to help I need to deal with some some customers. customers b. What do you do to a stand Take down the stand. after a conference?


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