
泰 山 学 院 本 科 毕 业 论 文


所 在 学 院 机械工程学院 专 业 名 称 机械设计制造及其自动化 申请学士学位所属学科 工 学

年 级 二零一二级(3+2) 学 生 姓 学 号 指导教师姓名、职 称

完 成 日 期 2014年5月30日


摘 要








Cylindrical gear is one of the parts in the mechanical design andmanufacturing industries are widely used, the cylindrical gear is often regarded as precise 3D modeling based gear mechanical dynamic simulation, NC machining, finite element analysis. But in the UG6.0 software and there is nospecialized module, this paper details the spur gear is established on the platform of UG6.0 and the new method of variable gear 3D model.

Because of the straight helical gear, gear profile is not the standard curve, in order to realize the accurate modeling of gear modeling does exist some difficulties. The gear shaping methods often used is swept molding method,but this method modeling accuracy is not high. In order to change these shortcomings, this paper proposed the establishment of involute, dedendum transition curve equation by applying the symmetry, calculated the division between the tooth number and start, end angle, with the free form feature ofsweep as solution tool. The definition of this method conforms to the standardspur gear tooth profile, achieve accurate modeling of gear.

Keywords: gear and gear; involute; transition curve equation; symmetry;parameterization


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