
图形点阵液晶显示模块使用手册 MS12864F




1.工作电压为+5V±10% ,可自带驱动LCD所需的负电压。 2.全屏幕点阵,点阵数为128(列)×64(行),可显示8(/行)×4(行)个(16× 16点阵)汉字,也可完成图形,字符的显示。 3.与CPU接口采用4条位控制总线和8位并行数据总线输入输出,适配 Inter8080系列时序。 4.内部有显示数据锁存器,和用于文本显示的6×8和8×8的字符库。 5.简单的操作指令。




项 目 模 块 体 积 定 位 尺 寸 视 域 行 列 点 阵 数 点 距 离 点 大 小 标 准 尺 寸 78.0×70.0×14.5 68.0×65.0 62.0×44.0 128×64 0.44×0.60 0.39×0.55 单 位 mm mm mm dots mm mm



引脚号 引脚名称 级 别 1 FG 0V 2 VSS 0V 3 VDD +5V 4 VLCD 0~-10V 5 /WR H/L 6 /RD H/L 7 /CE H/L 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 C/D /RESET DB0 DB1 DB2 DB3 DB4 DB5 DB6 DB7 FS A K H/L H/L 引 脚 功 能 描 述 压框地 电源地 电源电压 LCD驱动负电压,要求VDD-VLCD=10V 低电平有效。写操作信号 低电平有效。读操作信号 低电平有效。片选信号 C/D=H 为指令通道 C/D=L 为数据通道 复位信号,低有效 通道选择信号 H/L 八位三态并行数据总线 H/L +5V 0V 字体选择。 FS=H, 6×8点阵字体 FS=L, 8×8点阵字体 背光电源,Idd≤960mA

2.原理简图 3.背光接线图 LED背光

19 +5V 20 0V

EL背光 19 EL~ 20 EL~ 五、IC说明及指令表

T6963C is LCD controller designed to be used for control LCD driver

LCD driver LSIs and display data Memory, It has an 8 bit parallel data bus And control lines for reading or writing through a MPU I/F.

It has 128 words character generator ROM with the capability to control External display RAM of up to 128K bytes. Allocation of text, graphics And external generator RAM can be easily made and the display window can Be freely moved within the allocated memory range.

It supports a very board range of LCD formats by selecting different

Combinations on a set of programmable inputs. It can be used in text,graphic Modes and has various attribute functions.


表 2

COMMAND CODE D1 X address Data Low address Low address Columns Low address Columns - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Data - Data - Data - - - - - D2 Y address 00H High address High address 00H High address 00H - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FUNCTION Cursor pointer set Off register Address pointer set Text home address set Text area set Graphic home address set Graphic area set \\\\Internal CGROM mode External CGRAM mode Display off Cursor on, blink off Cursor on, blink on Text on, graphic off Text off, graphic on Text on, graphic on 1 line cursor 2 line cursor 3 line cursor 4 line cursor 5 line cursor 6 line cursor 7 line cursor 8 line cursor Data auto write set Data auto read set Auto reset Data write and ADP increment Data read and ADP increment Data write and ADP decrement Data read and ADP decrement Data write and ADP no variable Data read and ADP no variable Screen peek Screen copy Bit reset Bit set 00100001 Register Set 00100010 00100100 01000000 Control 01000001 Word set 01000010 01000011 1000x000 1000x001 Mode set 1000x011 1000x100 10000xxx 10001xxx 10010000 1001xx10 Display 1001xx11 Mode 100101xx 100110xx 100111xx 10100000 10100001 10100010 Cursor 10100011 Pattern 10100100 Select 10100101 10100110 10100111 Data auto 10110000 Read/write 10110001 10110010 11000000 11000001 Data read 11000010 Write 11000011 11000100 11000101 Screen peek 11100000 Screen copy 11101000 11110XX 11111XXX

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