

一、 语音知识:

( ) 1. doubt A. various B. trousers C. serious D. soup ( ) 2. contest A. contain B. control C. continue D. confidence

( ) 3. flow A. how B. allow C. slowly D. town ( ) 4. capitals A. roofs B. troops C. mornings D. lakes ( ) 5.honour A. hour B. homeland C. husband D. hungry 二、 单选:

( ) 6. It is reported that many new houses ______ now.

A. are being built B. were being built C. was being built D. is being built

( )7. ---- When shall we meet again?

---- Make it ______ day you like. It’s all the same to me. ( ) 8. Is there _______ in today’s newspaper? A. special something B. nothing special C. anything special D. special anything

( ) 9. The teacher is not only strict _____ his pupils but also strict

______ his own work.

A. with, with B. in, in C. in, with D. with, in ( ) 10. 10. We should not leave the door ______ when we leave.

A. opening B. opened C. open D. Opens

( ) 11. The old professor still works hard though he is _______. A. in his sixty B. in his sixties C. in sixties D. in the


( )12. ___________ I can see, there is only one way to solve this


A. Even if B. As long as C. As far as D. As soon as ( ) 13. We’ll go to play with snow if it _________ tomorrow. A. snow B. snows C. will snow D. snowed ( ) 14.He _____ his coat and went out of the room.

put on B. was dressed in C. wore D. had on

( ) 15. ---- Do you like the skirt? ---- It ________ soft.

A. is feeling B. felt C. feels D. is felt ( ) 16. 16. I don’t like ____ you speak to her.

A. the way B. the way in that C. the way which D. the way of which ( ) 17. The way he did it was different ________ we were used to. A. in which B. in what C. from what D. from which ( ) 18. She told me the sun ________ in the east.

A. rise B. rose C. rises D. had risen ( ) 19. ---- Which cup do you like , Tommy? ----___________. I think they are all ugly.

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A. Nothing B. None C. Neither D. Either

( ) 20. China is becoming stronger and stronger . It is no longer __________.

A. what it used to be B. what it was used to being C. what it used to being D. what it was used to be

( ) 21. ___________ around the office, the foreign visitors visited

the teaching building. A. Having shown B. Showing C. Has shown D. Having been shown ( ) 22. I insisted that he __________ at once.

A. be gone B. go C. would go D. might go

( ) 23. I have two grammar books, ________ are of great use.

A. all of which B. either of which C. both of them D. both of which

( ) 24. No sooner ________ asleep than she heard a knock at the door. A. she had fallen B. had she fallen C. she had fell D. had she fell ( ) 25. __________ hard she tries, she can hardly avoid making mistakes

in her homework.

A. Much B. However C. As D. Although

( ) 26. 12. We’ll have to have our house_________.

A. repair B. repairing C. repairs D. repaired ( ) 27. The number of the people who_______ cars ________ increasing.

A. owns, are B. owns, is C. own, is D. own, are ( ) 28. It is about ten years ________ I met you last time. A. since B. for C. when D. as

( ) 29. I know the boy, ________ father is an engineer.

A. whose B. his C. whom D. who

( ) 30. He dislikes staying at home on weekends, ________? A. is he B. isn’t C. does he D. doesn’t he 三、 完形填空(30分)

A person who believes that he is incapable will not make a real effort,because he feels that it would be useless.He won’t go at a job with the confidence 21 for success.He is therefore 22 to fail,and the failure will strengthen his belief in his incompetence.

Alfred Adler,a famous doctor,had an experience 23 illustrate this.When he was a small boy he was poor at arithmetic.His teacher got the idea that he had no ability in arithmetic,and told his parents what she thought in order that they would not expect 24 much of him.25 this way,they too developed the idea,“Isn’t it too bad that Alfred can’t do arithmetic?” He accepted their mistaken estimate of his ability,felt that it was 26 to try,and was very poor at arithmetic,just as they expected.

One day Adler succeeded in solving a problem which 27 of the other students had been able to solve.This gave him confidence.He 28 the idea

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that he couldn’t do arithmetic and was determined to show them that he could.His new 29 confidence stimulated him to go at arithmetic problems with a new spirit.He now worked with interest,30 ,and purpose,and he soon became extraordinarily good at arithmetic. 21.A.well B. necessary C. in D. good 22.A. possible B. possibly C. likely D. like 23.A. to B.when C.what D.which 24.A.too B.very C.so D.that 25.A.On B.In C.By D.From

26.A.important B.useful C.useless D.necessary 27.A.any B.none C.each D.no

28.A.accepted B.developed C.rejected D.thought 29.A.found B.finding C.find D.founded

30.A.love B.feelings C.determination D.solution

It's very difficult to find a public place without advertising now. We can

1 them in the newspapers, on TV, and hear them over the radio, even 2 we watch a ball game, advertising will meet our eyes.

It's true that in the activities of business ads are 3 a more important part. They tell people new products and help more in 4 . In this way, ads help companies to better their business. This is a big advantage.

5 , ads bring people all kinds of disadvantages, too. For example, some of the businessmen are even so dishonest that they don't 6 the truth about their products, in hopes that they will win a big 7 for their products. When you are watching an interesting TV play, it is suddenly 8 by some ads and they are appearing on the screen. Therefore, people may get tired of ads. Also some ads 9 at children, and they ask their parents

to buy them something in the ads. From these points, ads 10 have some disadvantages.

( )1. A. watch B. feel C. see ( )2. A. so

B. during B. playing

C. if C. getting C. studies

D. read D. when D. doing D. works D. However D. talk D. market

( )3. A. making B. sales ( )4. A. sellers ( )5. A. And

B. Also C. Anyway B. tell C. speak B. place

C. production

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( )6. A. say

B. stopped C. attacked D. performed D. like D. nearly

B. fit C. prefer

C. really

( )7. A. shop B. badly ( )8. A. continued ( )9. A. aim

( )10.A. hardly

Only Mother’s Love is true love. It gives everybody everything all h___1___ life. When you are still a baby, mother takes good care of you as much as p___2___. In your w___3___ hours, she always holds you in her arms. When you are ill, she stops her work right now to look after you day and night a___4___ forgets about herself. When you are growing up day b___5___ day, she feels very happy. When you are old enough to go to school, mother still looks after you all the time. On cold winter days, she always tells you to put on more clothes. She always stands in the wind, w___6___ for you back from school. When you hurry to leave home for school with little breakfast, she always feels w___7___ about you at home. She usually knows about your study and spends much money on your school things. When you do well at school, you will see the brightest smile on her face.Mother is always ready to give everything she h___8___ to her children, n___9___ to receive. What true love that is in the w___10___! We will remember Mother’s Love forever!

1. h___________ 2. p_________ 3. w_________ 4. a__________ 5. b_________

6. w___________ 7. w_________ 8. h_________ 9. n__________ 10. w________

四、 阅读理解(15分)

A Since the earliest times, trees have always been very useful and important to man who made use of them in many ways. Even today trees continue to serve man in many ways. Trees provide man with fruits and building materials in the form of wood. Without trees it would be impossible to build houses, boats and even bridges. Furniture such as tables, chairs and beds is made of wood.

In the tropics (热带地区) where it is very hot all through the year, trees protect man from the terrible heat. They are also useful.in preventing good and rich top soil from being washed away during heavy rains which are so common in the tropics. If there were no trees or vegetation (植被) of some kinds to hold back the soil with their roots, heavy rains would wash away the rich surface soil that is so important and necessary to agriculture. The result is that the land becomes a desert. There are so many desert areas in the world. A long time ago these desert areas must have been very rich fertile (肥沃的) areas, but since

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our ancestors (祖先) in the distant past had no enough knowledge about science of nature, they cut down all the trees in the areas where they lived and never planted new ones. By and by, the rich surface soil was blown away and washed away by strong wind and heavy rain. In the end the land was turned into useless deserts where nothing could grow. 1. Trees provide ______ in the form of wood A. man with houses

B. man with fruits and building materials C. people with bridges D. people with boats

2. ______ are made of wood. A. Building materials B. Old houses

C. Chairs and beds D. New fruits

3. Trees protect man from ______ in the tropics. A. heavy rain

B. good and rich top soil C. being washed away D. the terrible heat

4. If there were no trees or vegetation to hold back the soil with their roots, ______.

A. the land would be richer B. many plants could grow

C. heavy rains would wash away the rich surface soil D. the land would not be turned into useless deserts 5. Because trees were cut down, ______. A. the soil became richer

B. the land was turned into useless deserts C. new trees were planted on the land

D. the land was washed away by strong winds


There are some places in the world where great cities once stood. There were trees, gardens and grass. But now these cities have gone and the places are like deserts. Scientists began to study this land to find out what happened. Many of them believed the land died when the trees were cut down.

Trees help other plants grow and help hold the soil in place. They keep the soil from blowing away. The leaves of trees on the ground keep rainwater from running off. Trees near farms protect growing plants from strong winds.

Once there were hundreds of farms in the southwestern United States. Then the farms turned into fields of dry dust. Trees might have saved these farms. But few trees grow in the dry southwest now.

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