

班级:_________ 姓名:_________ 分数:_________ 一. 选出下列单词不属于同一类别的一项。

( )A . son B. daughter C. nephew D. mobile ( ) A . pencil B. ruler C. book D. coat ( ) A . green B. red C. flower D. silver ( ) A . beautiful B. Chinese C. French D. English ( ) A . fat B. thin C. tall D. writer 二. 重新排列字母,组成单词。

1.m,t,e,e 2.w,a,t,h 3.h,w,o 4.w,i,c,h,h 5.p,s,a,e,e,l 6.o,e,s,w,h 7.s,s,t,e, i,r 8.m,t,o,h,r,e 9.w,e,r,e,h 10.b,i,a,f,t,u,e,l 三.正反义词连线。

1.fat short 5.hot old 2.tall thin 6.young wrong 3.big ugly 7.white cold 4.happy small 8.long black

5.beautiful sad 9. right short 三. 单项选择。

1.What is your name ? ( )

A . I am 3. B. I am Lily. C. I am hot.

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2.What is it?( )

A . It is red. B. It is a book. C. It is 6. 3.What color is it? ( )

A . It is green. B. It is sunny day. C. Fine, thanks. 4.Thank you. ( )

A . Ok. B. You are welcome. C. Yes. 5.Whose is this map? This is map. ( ) A . Tom’s B. Tom C. Tom is 6. that young man. ( ) A . Look on. B. Look at. C. Look in. 7.Who is that boy( )

A . That is Jim. B. That is here. C. Over there. 8.Who is that girl the red bicycle? ( ) A . in B. on C. at

9.Who is that woman the white umbrella?( ) A . with B. over C. in

10.What is the matter him? ( ) A . in , B. on, C. with 11.What do you do? ( )

A . I am a teacher. B. I am Chinese C.I am cold. 12.What nationality are you?( )

A . I am Chinese. B. I am very well. C. I am hot.

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13.Where are you come?( )

A . I’m from England. B.I am Chinese. C. I am ok. 14. How are you?( )

A . I am very well. B.I am Jim. C. I am old. 15.Miss Wang is English teacher. ( ) A . A B. an C. the

16.What is the matter with her? ( )

A . She is ill. B. She is Lucy. C. She is English. 17.They teachers. ( ) A . am B. is C. are 18.What is the weather like today? ( )

A . It is a sunny day. B.I am great. C.It is red. 19.How old are you? ( )

A . I am 10. B. I am John. C. I am ok. 20.Sorry. ( )

A . Ok. B. Yes. C. That is all right. 四. 连词成句。(主意标点符号的书写)

1. are, where, you, from, 2. safe, better, sorry, than, 3. with, matter, what, is, you, the, 4. nationality, is, your, what, 5. you, what, do, do, 3 / 4

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