



1. What is communication?

Transmission of information and meaning from one person or group to another. 二、简答题

1.Why do you need good communication skills?(为什么你需要良好的沟通技巧) Good communication skills are essential for(良好的沟通技巧是……的基本) Job placement (工作安排) Job performance (工作表现) Career advancement (职业发展)

Success in the new world of work (事业成功)

2. How may the sender encode a message?(发件者通过什么方式发送信息) Verbally or nonverbally. By speaking, writing, gesturing.(口头或者非口头,类似说、写、手势) 3. What kinds of channels carry messages?(信息以什么方式承载)

Letters, e-mail, memos, TV, telephone, voice, body.(信件、邮件、备忘录、电视、电话、声音、躯体)

4. How does a receiver decode a message?(接收者如何接收信息) Hearing, reading, observing.(听、读、观察)

5. When is communication successful?(什么时候沟通被视为成功的)

When a message is understood as the sender intended it to be.(当信息被理解为发送者所期望的时候)

6. How can a communicator provide for feedback?(如何给沟通者提供反馈) Ask questions, check reactions.(提问、检查反映)

7. Keys to Building Powerful Listening Skills(建立强大倾听技巧的关键) Stop talking.(停止说话)

Control your surroundings.(控制周围的环境)

Establish a receptive mind-set.(建立一个尊重的态度) Keep an open mind.(保持一个开放的思维方式) Listen for main points.(聆听主要观点) Capitalize on lag time.(利用滞后时间) Listen between the lines.(在范围内倾听)

Judge ideas, not appearances.(从观点做出判断而不是外表) Hold your fire.(控制脾气)

Take selective notes.(做简要笔记) Provide feedback.(提供反馈)

8. Nonverbal Communication(非口头沟通包括哪些)

Eye contact, facial expression, and posture and gestures send silent messages.(眼神交流、面部表情、姿势和手势发出的无声信息)

9. Keys to Building Strong Nonverbal Skills(建立强大非口头沟通技巧的关键) Establish and maintain eye contact.(建立眼神沟通) Use posture to show interest.(用姿势表示兴趣)

Improve your decoding skills.(提高接收信息的技巧) Probe for more information.(探索更多信息)

Avoid assigning nonverbal meanings out of context.(避免意思之外的非语言表达) Associate with people from diverse cultures.(将人与其对应的文化背景相联系) Appreciate the power of appearance.(对外在作出赞赏) Enlist friends and family.(争取朋友和家人的帮助)

10. Improving Communication Among Diverse Workplace Audiences(提高与不同场所中对象的沟通技巧)

Understand the value of differences.(理解价值观的差异)

Create zero tolerance for bias.(争取零偏差的理解对方观点和表达自己观点) Learn about your own cultural self.(了解自己的文化) Learn about other cultures(了解其他的文化)

Make fewer workplace assumptions.(少做工作场所的假设) Build on similarities.(建立相似的对比)



1. Choosing Communication Channels

Face-to-face conversation , Telephone call , Voice mail message , Fax , E-mail , Face-to-face group meeting , Video-or teleconference , Memo , Letter , Report or proposal . 二、改错题

1.从观众的角度和利益出发,语气客气委婉 2.强调使用第二人称you,而不是we,us,our


4.使用积极的语言,即多使用肯定句,尽量不要出现强硬的must和否定假设 5.使用包容性词语,不要出现his/her等易产生性别歧视的用词 6.使用有礼貌的语言,不要过分命令化和粗鲁化



1. Collecting Information(获取信息的途径)

Search manually (books, magazines, journals).(手动搜索:书籍、杂志、期刊)

Access electronically (Internet, databases, CDs).(使用电子方式:网络、数据库、CD)

Go to the source (interviews, surveys, questionnaires, focus groups).(直接接触:采访、调查、问卷调查、小组调查)

Conduct scientific experiments (measure variables using control groups).(科学实验:设立对照组、实验组进行比较)

2.Tips for Making Outlines(制作大纲的技巧) Define main topic in title.(将主题定义为标题)

Divide the topic into three to five main points.(将主题分为三到五个主要论点) Break the components into subpoints.(进行分段)

Make each component exclusive (no overlapping).(每一个段落进行分别论述:段落内容不重复)

Use details and evidence to support subpoints.(使用细节和证据证明论点)

3.The advantages of direct strategy and indirect strategy(直接策略和间接策略的优点) Direct strategy:(直接策略)

Saves reader’s time(节约读者时间)

Sets a proper frame of mind(树立的观点鲜明) Prevents frustration(避免歧义) Indirect strategy:(间接策略)

Respects feelings of audience(尊重读者感受) Encourages a fair hearing(鼓励平等的倾听) Minimizes a negative reaction(减少抵触情绪)

4.When direct strategy and indirect strategy use?(直接策略和间接策略使用的合适时间) Direct strategy:(直接策略)

Receiver is receptive(接收者是易接受的)

Receiver requires no education about topic(接受信息不需要该主题的相关知识作为基础) Message is routine(常规消息) Indirect strategy:(间接策略)

Receiver may be upset or hostile(接收者是不安或敌对的)

Receiver must be persuaded or educated(接收者必须被说服或教育) Message is sensitive(信息比较敏感) 二、改错题



3.并列与平行架构间的省略,并列式尽量主语一致 4.词序、主语引起的歧义需要改正



1. Designing Documents for Readability(设计文章使文章更具有可读性) (1)Employ white space.(留出空白) Headings(标题)

Short paragraphs(短小的段落) Ragged-right margins(右边距合适)

(2)Choose appropriate typefaces.(选择合适的字体)

Useful for body text(用于正文的字体)Times New Roman、宋体 Useful for headings(用于标题的字体)Arial、方正姚体

(3)Use bulleted and numbered lists.(使用项目标号或标号列表)

Break up complex information into smaller chunks.(把复杂的信息分成更小的块) Use numbered lists for sequences.(使用标号列表)

Use bulleted lists for items that don’t require a certain order.(使用不需要标号的列表) 2. How to Proofread Complex Documents(如何校对复杂的文件) Allow adequate time.(留出足够多的时间)

Print a copy and set it aside for a day.(打印一份复印件至于旁边) Be prepared to find errors.(做好寻找出错误的准备)

Read once for meaning and once for grammar/mechanics.(一遍从语法出发一遍从结构出发)

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