
A) aim at causing damage to companies

B) resort to violence to achieve their purpose C) will do no harm to real people

D) are divided on opinions about terrorism

正确答案: B 40.

The best title for the passage may be_______________. A) The Green Threat B) Protecting Forests C) Earth’s Liberation D) Terrorism Defeated

正确答案: A

Part III Vocabulary and Structure ( 10 minutes )

Directions: There are a number of incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.


Thick, white smoke completely ________ the sun. A) blotted out B) burst out C) blotted up D) burst in

正确答案: A 42.

The plane ________, its bombs exploding as it hit the ground. A) crashed B) plunged C) crushed D) smashed

正确答案: A 43.

To ________ crocodile tears means to cry when someone is not really sad or sorry. A) sheer B) shed C) shelter D) shield

正确答案: B 44.

The ancient Egyptians thought the sun ________ round the earth but still predicted eclipses. A) revolved B) reversed C) resolved D) revolted

正确答案: A 45.

Mr. Thompson is going to sell the old castle because it is _________. A) haunted B) ghost C) hunted D) heated

正确答案: A 46.

Before there were factories, people used to ________ wool into cloth in their own homes. A) spin B) weave C) sew

D) manufacture

正确答案: B 47.

His manner ________ my attention. A) searched B) kept C) arrested D) had

正确答案: C 48.

The 20th century will not be remembered as the era when space was conquered, or the power of the atom harnessed, but ________ in which the first machines having intelligence were made.

A) that B) one C) some D) this

正确答案: A 49.

After ________ for the job, you will be required to take a language test. A) being interviewed B) interviewed C) interviewing

D) having interviewed

正确答案: A 50.

There are trees on ________ side of the street. A) such a B) both C) some D) each

正确答案: D 51.

I'm not sure whether I can gain any profit from the investment, so I can't make a(n) _____ promise to help you. A) exact B) defined C) definite D) sure

正确答案: C 52.

Murphy ___________ his early struggles as having made him feel especially alive.

A) sat in on B) fell back on C) looked back on D) made up for

正确答案: C 53.

This enables the cells to _____ so that you grow taller, broader and stronger. A) multiple B) mount C) murder D) multiply

正确答案: D 54.

She denied that it was a lie, but she knew _____ of hearts that it was. A) in her heart B) in mind

C) at the center D) at the bottom

正确答案: A 55.

Everybody liked the stranger, but _____ he was a criminal. A) of a truth

B) in a matter of fact C) in reality D) in the fact

正确答案: C 56.

When Chris was in one of his _____, he was unpleasant to everyone. A) emotions B) moods C) feelings D) experiences

正确答案: B 57.

The sun appears to go round the Earth, but that is only a(n) ___________. A) occasion B) recession C) inspection D) illusion

正确答案: D 58.

The temple library apparently began as a collection of ___________ scriptures. A) profound B) dominant C) shrewd D) sacred

正确答案: D 59.

He bears a ___________ against me because I took his place in the office. A) penalty B) rival C) grudge D) prestige

正确答案: C 60.

Aunt Mary's a real ___________. She's totally opposed to women going out to work. A) radical

B) conservative C) primitive D) inferior

正确答案: B

Part IV Translation ( 10 minutes )

Directions: Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.

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