新编英语教程6 全部选择题

Unit 1

1. I'd like to buy the radio, but I haven't get any money on me at the moment. Could you ______ for me for a day or two?

A put it out B take it in c put it by d lay it in

2. When i was told i had won first prize in the speech contest, i had to ____ myself to make sure i wasn't dreaming.

A grasp b scratch c pinch d seize

3. Marina failed to finish her speech at the appointed time because there were so many ____ from the members of the organization.

A delays b gaps c intervals d interruptions

4. My woolen sweater used to be bigger than this. It has ___ in the wash. A shortened b shrunk c reduced d lessened

5. The police suspected that the fire must have broken ____ after the workers had left the factory.

A off b through c out d in

6. It is interesting to watch swans moving through a coloured kaleidoscope of _____ square, triangle and ellipse in sunlight.

A quivering b moving c vibrating d shaking

7. As the boat bound for Nanjing leaves only on ___ days, we had no choice but to stay in the hotel overnight.

A alternative b separate c successive d alternate

8. The unprecedentedly big floods in our village did not start to ______ until four days after the torrential rain had stopped.

A sink b reduce c lower d withdraw

9. They crawled for the next three hours along a main road where a line of traffic was ____ so tightly together that it was almost stationary. A crowded b blocked c assembled d wedged

10. When the kitten purred noisily and dug its claws into her shoulder, Jacqueline's singing became a startled ____.

A cry b shriek c yell d shout

11. The bus turned and rushed along the now ______ road and then veered. A level b smooth c even d horizontal

12. My grandmother's eyelids _____ and she dozed peacefully, with the clock ticking rhythmically and the logs crackling cheerfully. A dangled b drooped c sagged d stooped

13. As the final examination was drawing near, Theresa spent the rest of the day with her books, trying to ____ with some reading.

A make up b pick up c catch up d hurry up

14. The explorers' hopes of finding their missing colleagues are now beginning to ____. A faint d darken c shrink d fade

15. By two o'clock the tide which had reached an all-time high was beginning to ______. A recede b reverse c return d retire

16. During the big fire in the school, Manfred ____ the students into groups and asked each group to carry buckets of water to throw on to the flames. A dispersed b organized c scattered d ordered

17. After the eruption of the volcano there was a serious ____ of typhoid in the area. A outrage b outbreak c outcome d output

18. In the mirror world, we feel, live creatures of a dream world, who can come into ____ and get out of ____ silently.

A sight, sight b sight, view c vision, sight d view, view

19. When an American team explored a temple which stands in an ancient prosperous city on the ___ of Ayia Irini, the archaeologists discovered a graceful Goddess. A promontory b outpost c straits d channel

20. Whenever you see an old film, you can't help being struck by the appearance of the actresses — their hair styles and make-up look dated, their general appearance is in fact slightly ______. A classic b fanciful c deranged d ludicrous

Unit 3

Unit 3

1. It is not profitable to provide bus services in districts where the population is widely_________.

A. spaced B. divided C. separated D. scattered 在人口过于分散的地区提供公车服务无利可图 / 不划算。 2. Sand is to glass as clay is to _________. 沙之于玻璃犹如泥土之于砖块

A. stone B. hay C. bricks D. dirt

3. His test results for the whole term were not very _________. He did well one week and badly the next.

A. consequent B. continuous C. consistent D. invariable 4. The novelist is a highly _______ person with great talent.

A. imaginative B. imaginable C. imaginary D. imaginal 5. Mary is so _______that she cried for days when her pet died.

A. sensitive B. sensible C. impressive D. sentimental 6. The rainbow _______ as the sun came fully out from behind the clouds. A. dissipated B. removed C. dispersed D. dissolved

7. Now Norman has put himself into the patient _______state of mind of a chess player. A. contemplative B. attentive C. pondering D. thinking

8. It’s a good thing to spend some time seeing your own country from the outside: it helps you to

get a sense of ________.

A. ratio B. proportion C. symmetry D. relation 9. Mary gave a long and stagy laugh, wiping away ________tears.

A. imginative B. imaginable C. imaginary D. imaginal

10. In my younger and more _______ years my father gave me some advice that I’ve been turning over in my mind ever since.

A. pregnable B. frail C. assailable D. vulnerable

11. Away from the busier roads, the ________ atmosphere remains one of calm meditation and contentment.

A. prevailing B. controlling C. dominant D. influential

12. The cathedral, one of the loveliest and richest in _______ interest in England, was erected in 1382.

A. scientific B. architectural C. ancient D. decorative

II. Choose…

1. The crowd swelled until the noise made could be heard for miles.

A. grew B. shouted D. cheered D. scattered

2. Thus our conviction is reinforced that only socialist revolution can really solve the problems of the people.

A. argument B. proposal C. belief D. theory

3.Having studied your report carefully, I am convinced that neither of your solution is correct. A. interpretations B. keys C. answers D. ways of doing things

4.Aside from the resolution to have more international conferences, the greatest accomplishment of the group was that it met at all.

A. achievement B. attainment C. fulfilment D. acquirement

5.The United States Constitution mandates two houses of Congress so that the large states will not be disproportionately represented.

A. illegally B. mistakenly C. unequally D. inadequately

6.With its power of displaying a reality that has no tangible existence, the mirror could symbolize the mystery of the universe.

A. touchable B. certain C.true D. material

7.The marked land shortage in some of the developing countries has precluded the building of more sophisticated detached and semi-detached houses.

A. restrained B. stopped C. excluded D. prevented

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