
格式条款论文:格式条款 效力限制 原则 立法 司法



【英文摘要】As long as the prosperity of the market economy, standard contract terms appear in people’ economic life widely and become a developing trend of the contract. The use of standard contract terms is good for decreasing the trading cost, and makes the two parts get rid of the numerous negotiations because of the convenience and high-effect. But standard

contract terms also have big defect that the providing part may state many unfair terms for its politic and economic advantage, which could infringe the other part’s benefit. As to these characters, almost all countries admit the importance of standard contract terms for modern economic development, and give restriction while trying to develop it, especially pass law to overcome its defect. The Article 39-41 of the Contract Law of China and their judicatory explanation also make clear regulations to standard contract terms. But the key point in the system of standard contract terms is the effectiveness of it---how to control and judge the effect of standard contract terms comprehensively, under the principle of contract freedom. The only regulation to the effectiveness of standard contract terms is Article 40 of the Contract Law of China and its judicatory explanation, which is very abstract and principle and difficult to practice, can not satisfy the need of the ordinary economic life. For the defects of standard contract terms system and the loss of the legislation, the other part of the contract can not get powerful legal security and the normal economic order can not be protected. So the research to the effectiveness of standard contract terms is a very important area needing deep exhumation, and meaningful in

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