


my lords and members of the house of mons,

my government’s legislative programme will continue to deliver on its long-term plan to builda stronger economy and a fairer society.

to strengthen the economy and provide stability and security, my

ministers will continue toreduce the country’s deficit, helping to ensure that mortgage and interest rates remain low.

an updated charter for budget responsibility will be brought forward to ensure that futuregovernments spend taxpayers’ money responsibly. my government will also continue to cut taxes in order to increase people’s financial security.

my ministers will implement measures to increase further the personal allowance and tofreeze fuel duty.

measures will be brought forward for a married couple’s allowance, which will recognisemarriage in the tax system.

legislation will be introduced to help make the united kingdom the most attractive place tostart, finance and grow a business. the bill will

support small businesses by cuttingbureaucracy and enabling them to access finance.

new legislation will require ministers to set and report on a

deregulation target for eachparliament. the legislation will also reduce delays in employment tribunals, improve thefairness of contracts for low paid workers and establish a public register of panybeneficial ownership. legislation will be introduced to provide for a new statutory code andan adjudicator to increase fairness for public house tenants.

legislation will impose higher penalties on employers who fail to pay their staff the minimumwage. measures will be brought forward to limit excessive redundancy payments across thepublic sector.

in respect of national insurance contributions, legislation will be brought forward to tackleavoidance and to simplify their collection from the self-employed.

my government will introduce a bill to bolster investment in

infrastructure and reformplanning law to improve economic petitiveness. the bill will enhance the unitedkingdom’s energy independence and security by opening up access to shale and geothermalsites and maximising north sea resources. legislation will allow for the creation of an allowablesolutions scheme to enable all new homes to be built to a zero carbon standard and willguarantee long-term investment in the road network.

my government will continue to implement major reforms to the electricity market and reducethe use of plastic carrier bags to help protect the environment.

a key priority for my ministers will be to continue to build an economy that rewards those whowork hard.

legislation will be brought forward to give those who have saved

discretion over the use oftheir retirement funds. my government’s pension reforms will also allow for innovation in theprivate pensions market to give greater control to employees, extend the isa and premiumbond schemes and abolish the savers’ 10 pence tax rate.

the overall benefits bill will continue to be capped so that public expenditure continues to becontrolled and policies will be pursued so people are helped from welfare to work.

my government will increase housing supply and home ownership by

reforming the planningsystem, enabling new locally-led garden cities and supporting small house building firms.

legislation will be brought forward to sell high value government land, encouragingdevelopment and increasing housing.

my ministers will continue to promote the help to buy and right to buy schemes to supporthome ownership.

my government will continue to deliver the best schools and skills for young people. in england,my ministers will help more schools to bee academies and support more free schools toopen, whilst continuing

investment to deliver more school places. further reforms to gcses anda levels will be taken forward to raise standards in schools and prepare

school pupils foremployment. my government will increase the total number of apprenticeship places to 2million by the end of the parliament. my government will continue to work to build a fairer society. to improve education attainment and child health, my government will ensure all infants willreceive a free school meal. free childcare will be extended to more of the most disadvantaged2-year-olds and a bill will be introduced to help working families with childcare costs.

a bill will be introduced to strengthen the powers to prevent modern slavery and humantrafficking whilst improving support for victims of such crimes. a bill will be brought forward toprovide that where a person acts heroically, responsibly or for the benefit of others, this will betaken into account by the courts.

legislation will be introduced to improve the plaints system in the armed forces throughthe creation of an ombudsman.

a serious crime bill will be brought forward to tackle child neglect, disrupt serious organisedcrime and strengthen powers to seize the proceeds of crime.

my government will continue its programme of political reform. my ministers will introduce legislation on the recall of members of parliament.

my government will continue to implement new financial powers for the scottish parliamentand make the case for scotland to remain a part of the united kingdom.

my ministers will continue with legislation giving the national assembly for wales and welshministers more power over taxation and investment.

my government will continue to work with the devolved administration in northern ireland torebalance the economy, promote reconciliation and create a shared future.

draft legislation will be published providing for direct elections to national park authorities inengland. members of the house of mons.

estimates for the public services will be laid before you. my lords and members of the house of mons.

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