



第一部分 交际用语

判断,恰当的选择A(Right),不恰当的选择B(Wrong),并将答案写在答题纸上。 (B)1. -Where did you go for your holiday?-Two years ago. A. Right B. Wrong

(B)2. -What are you going to do this evening?-I went there with some friends. A. Right B. Wrong

(A)3.-Hello, Xiaoyan. How was the party?-Hi, Jack. We had a great time. A. Right B. Wrong (B)4. -Is there a bank near here? -Yes. I saw him this morning.

A. Right B. Wrong (A)5. -How do you like the film?-Jt's very good. I like it.

A. Right B. Wrong (B) 6.-Do you like your job?

-I'm a nurse.

A. Right B. Wrong (A) 7.-Have you been to America?

-I've never been there but I hope to go there in the future. A. Right B. Wrong (B) 8.-Where did you go for your holiday?



-Two years ago.

A. Right B. Wrong (A) 9.-Hello.Is that Ivydale Guesthouse?

-Yes,it is. Can I help you?

A. Right B. Wrong (A)10.-Have you had a good day?

-Yes,but I'm very tired.

A. Right B. Wrong (B)11. --Is there a bank near here?

--Yes. I saw him this morning.

A. Right B. Wrong (A)12.--What does he look like?

--He is tall and thin.

A. Right B. Wrong (B)13.--Where did you go for your holiday?

--Two years ago.

A. Right B. Wrong (B)14. --What are you going to do this evening?

--I went there with some friends.

A. Right B. Wrong (A)15.--How can I book a cheap hotel?

--If I were you, I'd phone a travel agent. A. Right B. Wrong



(B )16. –Shall we go to a restaurant?

--See you later.

A. Right B. Wrong (A )17. - What would you like to have? - An orange juice, please.

A. Right B. Wrong (B )18. - Where did you go for your holiday?

- Two years ago.

A. Right B. Wrong (A )19. -What time will the next train leave?

-At 8.19.

A. Right B. Wrong (B )20. -What are you going to do tomorrow morning? -I saw a film with my son.

A. Right B. Wrong (B)21. –How is the weather today?

--I’m fine, thank you.

A. Right B. Wrong (A)22. - what does he look like? - He is tall and thin.

A. Right B. Wrong (B)23. - Can I help you?

- Nice to see you.


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