


一 简单句的五种基本句型

1. 主语+系动词+表语 He is a student. 2. 主语+谓 We work.

3. 主语+谓+宾语 Henry bought a dictionary. 4. 主语+谓+双宾语(直接宾语+间接宾语) My father bought me a car. 5. 主语+谓+复合宾语(宾语+宾补) Tom made the baby laugh. 要想学好简单句,我们必须记住以下六种句型,它们是语言的基本模式。 【句型一】

主语 + 谓语(不及物动词) + (状语[副词、名词、介词短语等]) His father cooks. 他父亲做饭。

The children are listening quietly. 孩子们在静静地听着。 He runs fast in the street. 他在街上跑得飞快。 The meeting begins at nine. 会议9点开始。

They worked day and night. 他们夜以继日地工作。

【点津】主语和不及物动词是组成本句型不可缺少的必要成分。上述句子虽然长短不一,但都属于这一基本句型。 【句型二】

主语 + 谓语(及物动词) + 宾语( + 状语) He didn’t like the film. 他不喜欢这部电影。 She often helps him. 她经常帮助他。

I have already finished reading the book. 我已经读完这本书了。 They decided to go hiking. 他们决定去徒步旅行。

He thought about the problem for a few moments. 他把这个问题思考了一会儿。

【点津】此句型中的谓语动词既可以是及物动词,也可以是短语动词,后面的宾语可以是名词、代词、动名词或动词不定式。修饰谓语动词的状语通常放在句末,这些状语多数是副词或介词短语,也可以是名词短语、分词或不定式短语。 【句型三】主语 + 系动词 + 表语

Your watch looks very nice. 你的手表看起来很漂亮。

The mooncake tastes very delicious. 这种月饼尝起来很可口。 The days get shorter and shorter. 白天变得越来越短了。 In spring, the trees turn green. 春天,树变绿了。

【点津】此句型中的谓语动词是连系动词,如be, seem, turn(变得), taste, feel, smell, get(变得) become (变得), look(看起来) 等,作表语的可以是名词、代词、形容词等。 【句型四】

主语 + 及物动词 + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语 Please give me a few apples. 请给我几个苹果。 I’ll show you my photos. 我将给你看我的照片。

【点津】此句型中的及物动词后接两个宾语(双宾语),即指人的间接宾语和指物的直接宾语。通常情况下,间接宾语在前,直接宾语在后。有时间接宾语也可改为由介词to或for引起的短语,放在直接宾语的后面。 She passed him the salt. = She passed the salt to him. 她把盐递给了他。

His uncle bought him a birthday present yesterday. = His uncle bought a birthday present for him yesterday. 昨天,他叔叔给他买了一件生日礼物。 由介词 to 连接间接宾语的动词常见的有:give, pass, tell, show, lend, take,teach 等;由介词 for 连接间接宾语的动词常见的有:buy, cook, get, make, choose, sing 等。 【句型五】

主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语 + 宾语补足语

We call him Tom for short. 我们简称他为汤姆。

At first I found Chinese quite hard. 开始时我发现汉语相当难。 Tell him not to be late tomorrow. 告诉他明天不要迟到。 He made all of us laugh. 他使我们都大笑起来。

The little girl often helps her mother (to) do the housework. 这个小女孩经常帮她的母亲做家务活。 We found a cat lying under the chair. 我们发现有一只猫躺在那把椅子下面。

The six students keep their hands behind their backs. 这6个学生把他们的手放在他们的背后。

【点津】此句型中的宾语后面需接上宾语补足语来补充说明宾语的有关情况,这样意思才完整。宾语和宾语补足语合称复合宾语,宾语与宾语补足语之间存在着逻辑上的主谓或主表关系。可作宾语补足语的有名词、形容词、现在分词、动词不定式、介词短语等。 1. 接名词作宾语补足语的动词常见的有:call, make, think, name 等。 2. 接形容词作宾语补足语的动词常见的有:keep, make, find, think 等。

3. 动词不定式作宾语补足语时通常分为以下三种情况:(1) 接带 to 的动词不定式作宾语补足语的动词常见的有:want, ask, wish, tell, teach等。 (2) 接不带 to 的动词不定式作宾语补足语的动词常见的有:let, make, see, hear, watch等。(3) 接带 to 或不带 to 的动词不定式作宾语补足语的动词常见的是 help。

4. 接现在分词作宾语补足语的动词常见的有:hear, see, watch, keep, find 等。 5. 接介词短语作宾语补足语的动词常见的有:find, take, keep 等。 【句型六】

There be + 主语 + 状语(介词短语)

There is some meat on the plate. 盘里有些肉。

Long, long ago, there lived a king. 很久以前有一个国王。 There stands a school on the hill. 山上有一所学校。

There are going to be two football matches this afternoon. 今天下午有两场足球比赛。 There was a bike under the tree just now. 刚才树底下有辆自行车。 There are some people in the hall. 大厅里有些人。

There is a pen and some books on the desk. 书桌上有支钢笔和几本书。

There are some apples and an orange in the basket. 在篮子里有一些苹果和一个橘子。

【点津】本句型又叫 There be 句型,常用来表示“在某地(某时) 有某物(某人)”,但应注意与have 的区别:have / has 作“有”讲时,表示所属关系,即“所有,占有”,而 there be 结构表示客观上的存在,不说明所有关系。

There is a new pen in Jim’s pencil-box. 在吉姆的铅笔盒里有一支新钢笔。(钢笔在铅笔盒里) Jim has a new pen. 吉姆有支新钢笔。(钢笔为吉姆所有)

语法专项复习---简单句(一) 1

在此句型中,there 是引导词,无实义, 其主语是 be 动词之后的名词或名词短语, 且这些名词或名词短语通常用不确定的限定词(a, no, all 等) 修饰, 不用确定的限定词(the, this, that 等) 修饰。同时,此句型中的主语不能是人称代词、专有名词以及被物主代词或所有格修饰的名词。如不能说:

There is China in the east of the world. There are their books on the desk. There are they under the tree. 注意:动词 be 在人称和数上应和其后的主语(名词) 保持一致, 即主语是不可数名词或单数可数名词时用 is,复数可数名词时用 are。若 be 后有两个或两个以上的名词作主语时,be动词应采取“邻近原则”,即 be 应与邻近的主语在数上保持一致。动词 be 的时态随具体情况而定。 在此句型中,谓语动词有时不用 be,而用其他动词,使语言表达更生动形象,如 live, stand, lie 等。

练习: 请指出下列句子是什么类型: She laughed.

The story is moving. He stood there, laughing. The frost killed the flowers. She wore a pair of glasses. I bought here a gift.

They made Newton president of the Royal Society. He treats his students kindly.

二 简单句的类型 1. 陈述句 2. 感叹句

3. 疑问句(一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句、反义疑问句) 4. 祈使句 5. 倒装句

6. There be 句型

三 补充知识点: 一 祈使句补充


—Remember to close the window when you leave. 记住离开时关窗。

—_____________.好的,我会的。 —Don't talk in class.课堂上不要讲话。 —______________.对不起,我不会了。

补充二: “祈使句+and/or+结果状语”句型

此句型可以转换成含if引导的条件状语从句的主从复合句。 Hurry up, or you will be late. 快点否则就迟到了。

=If you don't hurry up,you __________ late. 如果不抓紧,你就要迟到了。

=If you hurry up, you __________ late. 如果快点,你将不会迟到。

补充三:祈使句的反意疑问句,附加疑问句部分用 will you / won’t you。如: Open the window,will you? / won’t you? Don’t make any noise, will you?

二 “倒装句” 1.there be句型

there be 句型是一个典型的倒装句。它表示“某处有某物”,主语是be动词后面的名词。 __________ a river near our school. 我们学校附近有一条河。


此句型说明前面的内容也适用于后者时,用倒装句“so/neither/nor+be/助动词/情态动词+主语”。 He has been to Dalian,and __________. 他去过大连,我也去过。

John can't speak Japanese,____________________. 约翰不会讲日语,海伦也不会。 3.only在句首时要倒装。

Only in this way can you learn English well. 只有用这种方法,你才能学好英语。

[注意] 如果句子为主从复合句,则主句倒装,从句不倒装。

Only when he is seriously ill,does he ever stay in bed.只有当他病得很重时,他才可能待在床上休息。 4.副词位于句首

以here,there,now,then等副词置于句首时,谓语动词常用be,come,go,lie,run。 Here is your letter.这是你的信。

[注意] 这种倒装的句型结构的主语必须是名词,如果主语是人称代词则不能完全倒装。如: Here he comes.他来了。 Here you are.给你。

三 反义疑问句


前半句有情态动词时,提问用________ 前半句有实义动词时,提问要用_______ ※ 注意have的用法

1. Mike is swimming, __________ __________ ? 2. You can dance, __________ __________ ?

3. You haven’t seen the film, __________ __________ ?

语法专项复习---简单句(一) 2

4. He has lunch at twelve, __________ __________ ? 5. Let’s begin, __________ __________ ?

6. Let me tell you a story, __________ __________ ?

7. There is nothing on the table, __________ __________ ? 8. There’s nothing on the plate. (改为反意疑问句)

There’s nothing on the plate, __________ __________ ? 9. I have just bought something for you. (改为一般疑问句)

_______you bought anything for me______?

10. Miss King hardly spoke a word the whole time.(改为反义疑问句) Miss King hardly spoke a word the whole time, _________ _________? 11、The Smiths usually have supper at half past six. (改为反义疑问句) The Smiths usually have supper at half past six, _________ _________? 12、We hardly ever saw computers. ( 改为反意疑问句 ) We hardly ever saw computers, ________ ________ ? 13、The weather in Qingdao is very nice.(改为反意疑问句)

The weather in Qingdao is very nice,____ _____?

14、His sister has never been to the Great Wall.(改为反意疑问句)

四 There be 句型

※ there be指(某地)有 have指(某人)有

※ there be 句型不能与have混用

There are 30 boys in my class.(正确) There have 30 boys in my class.(错误) ※ 常见的there be 句型

1、 将来时: 2、 过去式: 3、 完成时: 4、 一般疑问句: 5、 特殊疑问句:

五 感叹句

1、 What+a/an +adj+n.+主+谓! 2、 How+adj/adv+主+谓!


1. The students are talking excitedly about Shi Yang. (改为感叹句)

__________ __________ the students are talking about Shi aYng! 2. African ghost fish are very beautiful. (改为感叹句)

__________ __________ African ghost fish are!

3. The news you told me is very exciting. (改为感叹句)

______ ______ news you told me is! 4. That’s a good idea.(改成感叹句)

______ ______ good idea it ______!

5. They offered wonderful service in the Children’s Restaurant.(改为感叹句) ________wonderful service ______in the Children’s Restaurant. 6. This shirt is expensive.(改为感叹句) ______ ________ the shirt is!

7. The train is moving slowly.(感叹句) ______ ______ the train is moving!

8. He is a very good swimmer. (改为感叹句)

How __________ he __________!

简单句专项强化训练 Ⅰ.选择填空

⒈They had to do the homework yesterday, ______?

A. hadn’t they B. didn’t they C .had they D .did they ⒉You can see many birds in the sky, ______?

A. can’t you B. do you C. don’t you D. can’t you

⒊—You don’t go to school on Sundays, do you? —______. A. Yes ,I do. B. Yes, I don’t C. No, I don’t D. No, I do. ⒋—You didn’t go to swim, did you? —______.

A. Yes, I do B. No, I didn’t C. No, I did D. Yes, I didn’t ⒌I don’t think you are busy, ______?

A. do I B. are you C. aren’t you D. don’t I

⒍—You can’t do it all by yourself, can you? —______. A. No, I can B. Yes, I can’t C, No, I can’t D, Yes, I do ⒎—______. —Yes, it is, isn’t it?

A. How far is the river? B. How long is the river? C. How long the river is! D. What long the river is! ⒏Few people could make a living here, ______ they? A. could B. couldn’t C. did D. didn’t

⒐—Let’s go and tell Mr Green about our discussion, shall we? —_______.

A. Yes, please B. Yes, we shall C. Yes, let’s go D. It’s a pleasure ⒑We must finish the work today, ______?

A. mustn’t you B. mustn’t we C. don’t we D. needn’t we ⒒She’s been to England twice, _______?

A. isn’t she B. hasn’t she C. wasn’t she D. doesn’t she ⒓______ has your sister been there?

A. How many time B. How C. What time D. How long


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