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Lesson 26: Always Brush Your Teeth!

1. Before and after

Li Ming eats breakfast at 7:00 in the morning. Before breakfast, he washes his hands. After breakfast, he brushes his teeth. 1) before breakfast 2) breakfast 3) after breakfast 2. Jenny’s week

Jenny goes to school five times a week, from Monday to Friday. She wakes up at 7:00 in the morning. She washes her hands and face.

Jenny is walking up. Now she’s washing her face. At 7:15, She eats J breakfast. After breakfast, she brushes her teech and combs her hair.

These are Jenny’s She’s combing her teeth! hair!

Then she puts on her clothes and goes to school. She works hard at school. After school, she plays basketball with the school team at 3:30. she plays basketball from 3:30 to 4:30. That’s one hour.

Then she goes home. At home, Jenny does her homework. Then she eats supper. In the evening, she likes to watch TV with her sister. At 9:00, she has a shower. Then she brushes her teeth and goes to bed.

Saturday and Sunday are different. Jenny doesn’t go to school on those days. 1) Jenny, please answer my questions now. What do you after breakfast? I brush my teeth.

2) Why? Because I want strong, healthy teeth. 3) What do you do before supper? I do my homework.


4) How often do you play basketball? Three times a week.


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