

Period 2 Grammar

Target language 目标语言

1. Words and expressions重点词汇和短语 pair, since

2. Key sentences重点句子 How long have you been skating? I have been skating since 9 o’clock. I have been skating for five hours. How long did you skate? I skated for two hours. Ability goals 能力目标

Enable students to use “How long have you been doing ...?” and “I’ve been doing ... since/for ...” structure. Learning ability goals 学能目标

Help students learn how to use since/for in present perfect progressive tense. Teaching important and difficult points 教学重难点

The difference between simple past tense and present perfect progressive tense. Teaching aids 教具准备 Projector and slide.

Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式 Step I Listening (2a, 2b, P45)

Students will listen to the recording and deal with activities 2a and 2b on page 45. They will hear the use of for and since in the present perfect progressive tense. Then they will do some groupwork to practice it orally.

T: In the first period, we listened to a TV reporter interviewing some marathon participants. One of them is Alison. Do you remember? Finally, he won the skating marathon. Now the TV reporter is interviewing him. Turn to page 45, look at 2a. Here are six questions. Which questions did the reporter ask? Go through the questions first. Then listen to the interview and tick the questions you hear.


Play the recording. Then check the answer by asking students to read the complete questions.

T: Now we’ve got the questions. The answers to these questions are also given in activity 2a. Let’s listen to the interview again and match them. Play the recording again. Then check the answers. T: So what are the different uses of the two words? Write the two words for and since on the board.

T: Since usually comes before a date or a point of time while for comes before a period of time. But they both introduce adverbial of time in present perfect progressive tense. Understand?

Let students give some examples for each word. Since For


many years

last Friday a century


several hours three weeks

the war broke out

Then let them give complete sentences using these examples. Sample sentences:

He has been living alone since the war broke out. It has been raining since last Friday.

We have been playing basketball for several hours. One of my friend has been practicing Yoga for many years.

T: What is the difference between “How long did you skate?” and “How long have you been skating?”

Explain that “did” question means that the person has stopped doing the action. While “have been doing” question shows that the person is continuing to do the action at the moment. Step II Pairwork (2c, P45)

In this step, students will practice the interview orally.

T: Now work in pairs and role play the interview. One is the reporter. Another one


is Alison. Role play the interview.

They are supposed to practice using the simple past tense and present perfect progressive tense in their conversation. Sample conversation:

A: Alison, congratulations on winning the skating marathon! B: Thank you.

A: So, how long did you skate today? B: For six hours!

A: Was this your first skating marathon? B: No, I skated in a marathon last year.

A: You’re an excellent skater, Alison. Do you skate every day? B: Yes, I do.

A: How long have you been skating?

B: Since I was seven years old. I got my first pair of skates on my birthday from my grandmother ... Step III Grammar focus

Help students have a deep understanding of the present perfect progressive tense. T: The present perfect continuous is made up of two elements: (a) the present perfect of the verb to be (have/has been), and (b) the present participle of the main verb (base + ing).

She has been / She’s been running She hasn’t been Has she been




Hasn’t she been

Example: to live, present perfect continuous

I have been living I haven’t been living Have I been living? You have been living You haven’t been living Have living?

He, she, it has been living He hasn’t been living

Has she been living?



We have been living We haven’t been living Have we been living?

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