【教育专用】2019中考英语七上Unit1_4词汇拓展复习 阅读人教新目标版



第一部分 一、阅读理解。

Kim Soo-hyun (金秀贤) was born on February 16, 1988. He is a South Korean actor, model and singer and best known for his roles in the television dramas Dream High, Moon Embracing the Sun, and My Love from the Star, as well as the movies The Thieves and Secretly, Greatly.

Kim Soo-hyun was very quiet in middle school and no one expected him to enter the entertainment field (娱乐圈). But he didn’t want to be quiet any more, so he first started acting in high school. When he was working hard at

memorizing scripts and practiced for school plays, Kim’s idea to become an actor grew greatly. He started to learn in Chung-Ang University, majoring (专业;主攻) in Theater and Film Studies. His acting is getting better and better. At last, he appeared in the musicals (音乐剧) Grease and A Midsummer Night’s Dream in 2003. ( ) 1. Kim Soo-hyun is a _______.

A. Chinese actor B. English model

C. South Korean actor D. America singer ( ) 2. No one thought that he could ________.

A. study very well B. eat a lot C. help his friends D. enter the entertainment field

( ) 3. Kim Soo-hyun was majoring in _______.

A. Chemistry B. English

C. Theater and Film Studies D. vocal music ( ) 4. Which one is TRUE?

A、Kim Soo-hyun was born on February 15, 1988. B、Kim Soo-hyun was very quiet in middle school. 教育学习+K12


C、He started acting in middle school. D、Kim’s goal was to be a doctor.

( ) 5. What does the underline word “scripts” mean?

A. 剧本 B.时间 C.演出时间 D.句型 【参考答案】1-5 CDCBA 二、首字母填空。


A black boy helped his father look after the barrels (桶).Every morning he cleaned up every barrel on the farm, and then put them in order. To his anger, the wind blew the barrels here and t 1 during the night.

The boy wrote a letter to the wind,‘‘Please don't blow down my barrels. ” After seeing that, his father asked the boy, “Can the wind r 2 your letter?” The little boy said,“I don't know, but I have no other choices. ”

The next morning, when the little boy ran to see the barrels, he found that the annoying(恼人的)wind still blew the barrels down again. The little boy couldn't help crying. His father said gently, “Boy,don't be s 3 . We may have no way of how to s 4 the wind from doing that, but we can c 5 up with our own ways to the barrels.”

Then the little boy stopped crying to think over and over. After thinking half a day, he finally f 6 out a way. He collected some w 7 from the river and poured it into those empty barrels. O 8 the third morning,the little boy went out, and saw the barrels were in good order.

The little boy told his father calmly, “If we don't want the barrels blown down by the wind, we have no way to the wind, b 9 we have ways to the barrels. It's a very simple w 10 , that is, to add weight to the barrels. ”‘‘You are a young adult now,” said his father happily. 【参考答案】


教育学习+K12 1. there

2. read

3. sad

4. stop 5. come 9. but 10. way

6. found 7. water 8. On 三、复习。(词汇拓展)


1. friend n.朋友→____________ adj.友好的→____________n.友谊;友情★ 2. library n.图书馆→____________ (pl.)

3. please interj.请→ ____________adj.高兴的→____________adj.令人愉快的→____________n.高兴;乐事

4. see v.理解;明白→ ____________(过去式)→ ____________(过去分词) 5. say v.说;讲→ ____________(过去式/过去分词)★

6. help v. & n.帮助→____________ adj.有用的;有帮助的→____________adj.无自理能力的;不能自理的;无助的★

7. find v.找到;发现→____________(过去式/过去分词)★ 8. lose v.遗失;丢失→____________(过去式/过去分词)★

9. come v.来;来到→____________(过去式)→____________(过去分词)

10. think v.认为;想;思考→____________(过去式/过去分词)→____________ n.想法;看法;主意;记忆★

11. know v.知道;了解→____________(过去式) →____________(过去分

词)→____________ n.知识;学问→____________ adj.博学的;有见识的;知识渊博的

12. good adj.好的→____________ adv.好地→____________(比较级) 较好的(地);更好的(地)★

→____________(最高级) 最好的;最好地;最 参考答案:

1. friendly; friendship 2. libraries 3. pleased; pleasant; pleasure 4. saw; seen 5. said 6. helpful; helpless 7. found 8. lost 9. came; come 10. thought; thought

11. knew; known; knowledge; knowledgeable 12. well; better; best 第二部分 完形填空

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C或者D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Once when Kevin was selling hats under a big tree, the monkeys on the tree picked some hats and put them on. So Kevin took off his own hat and threw 1 on the ground. The 教育学习+K12

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