2016系统复习8AU2How often do you exercise学案

系统复习8A Unit 2 How often do you exercise? 潘彦雪

1. - What do you usually do on weekends?

- I usually _____________ / _____________ /________________. (帮助做家务) 1)My mother usually __________________(做家务)on weekends. 2. I _____________(几乎不曾) watch TV.

1) He can ________ speak (几乎不) any Chinese, _________ he?

2) - ___________(你曾经去过) the USA? - No, ____________.(从未)

3)My daughter studies ______.She ____goes to sleep before 11 o’clock at night.(hard, hardly) 3. - __________(多久一次) do you exercise?

- I exercise ______________________(每周一两次).

1) We eat meals ______________________. (一天三次) 2) ______________(多少次) have you been to Beijing? 3) My room is _____________(两倍) bigger than hers.

4) My room is ____________(三倍) as big as hers.

4. What’s your favorite _____________(节目)? It’s Animal World. 5. Next week is quite ________(满的;忙的)for me.

1)The bottle _______________(装满)water.=The bottle ______________ water. 2)I can’t eat any more. I’m quite _____. (饱的)

6. How often do you go to the movies? I go to the movies _______(大概)once a month. 1)You may be right. =_________ you are right. 2)Maybe he knows. = He ______ know.

7. How often does he play soccer? He plays ________(至少)twice a week.

1)We should do the most thing with the ________(little)money . 2)The railway will be completed in six months _________(至多). 8. I eat _____________(垃圾食品)three or four times a week.

9. I ____________(喝牛奶) every day. I never____________(喝咖啡).

10. My mother wants me to drink milk every day. She says it_________________(对我的健康有好处).

1) You should do more exercise to keep ________ (health). 2) We should eat _______to keep in good _______ (health). 3) It is __________(health) to eat too much junk food. 11. Here are the_________(结果)of the survey.

1) Alice overslept this morning. ____________(结果), she was late for work.

12. We all know that many students often go online, but we were surprised that_________(90%) of them use ______________(使用互联网)every day.

1)It seems that we can get all information _______________________ (在互联网上). 13. The answers ______ our questions about watching television were also interesting. (介词) 14. _______(尽管)many students like to watch sports, games shows are the most popular. 1) Although he is poor, he is happy. = He is poor, ______ he is happy. 15.We think the best way to relax is _________(通过,凭借)exercise. 1)She walked ________(穿过)the forest alone.

2)The lake was frozen, so we walked _______(穿过) the ice. 16. It is healthy for the ______ (心智) and the body.

1) Would you mind________(look)after my cat while I’m away? 2)Do you mind ___________(I , smoke) here?

17. Exercise _______(例如)playing sports is fun, and you can spend time with your friends and family as you play______(在一起).

1) It was ________ (如此) fine weather that they decided to go out for a picnic 2)The stone is ______(如此) heavy that I can’t lift it up.

18. Just as the saying goes, “Old habits _____ hard. (旧习难改)” Start exercising before it’s too late.

1)He ________(die) of cancer two years ago. 2)He ______________(die) for two years. 3)His ___________(die) made her sad.

19. What does the _____(write)think is the best way to relax?

20. American Teenager __________(杂志)asked her about her habits.

21. Jane has a lot of good habits.___________(然而), she has some bad habits, too. 22. She usually watch TV for _________(多于,超过)two hours a day. 1) Tom is_________________(比...高)Tara.

23. How many hours do you usually sleep at night?_______________.(少于6小时)

1) He tried to eat______(更多的) vegetables and _______(更少的)meat to keep healthy. 2) All of us want to do more work with ______(更少) time and _______(更少) workers. 24. (用 nothing, none, no one填空)

—How many hours do you watch TV every week? —___________. 1)—How many students are there in our classroom? —___________. 2)—Who’s in the classroom? —__________. 3) —What is in the box? —___________. 25. — What kind of dance are you learning? — ________(摇摆) dance.

26. how often; how soon; how long; how far; how many times

1) --___________ do you help with housework? --I always help with housework. 2) --___________does he go shopping? --He goes shopping twice a week. 3) -- ___________ has he been to Beijng? --He has been to Beijing twice. 4) --___________will he come back? --In two weeks. 5) --___________has he been away? --For two weeks.

6) --___________is it from here? --It’s about twenty minutes’ ride. 2016系统复习8A Unit 2 How often do you exercise?

1. help with housework / help do housework / help to do housework 1) does housework 2. hardly ever 1) hardly, can he 2) Have you ever been to , Never 3) hard, hardly 3. How often, once or twice a week 1) three times a day 2) How many times 3) twice 4) three times 4. program 5. full 1) is full of , is filled with 2) full 6. maybe 1) Maybe 2) may 7. at least 1) least 2) at most 8. junk food 9. drink milk, drink coffee 10. is good for my health 1) healthy 2) healthily, health 3) healthy 11. results 1) As a result 12. 90 percent, the Internet 1) on the Internet 13. to 14. Although 1) but 15. through 1) through 2) across 16. mind 1) looking 2) my smoking 17. such as, together 1) such 2) so 18. die 1) died 2) has been dead 3) death 19. writer 20. magazine 21. However 22. more than 1) taller than 23. Less than 6 hours 1) more , less 2) less, fewer 24. None 1) None 2) No one 3) Nothing 25. Swing 26. 1) How often 2) How often 3) How many times 4) How soon 5) How long 6) How far

2016系统复习8A Unit 2 How often do you exercise?

1. help with housework / help do housework / help to do housework 1) does housework 2. hardly ever 1) hardly, can he 2) Have you ever been to , Never 3) hard, hardly 3. How often, once or twice a week 1) three times a day 2) How many times 3) twice 4) three times 4. program 5. full 1) is full of , is filled with 2) full 6. maybe 1) Maybe 2) may 7. at least 1) least 2) at most 8. junk food 9. drink milk, drink coffee 10. is good for my health 1) healthy 2) healthily, health 3) healthy 11. results 1) As a result 12. 90 percent, the Internet 1) on the Internet 13. to 14. Although 1) but 15. through 1) through 2) across 16. mind 1) looking 2) my smoking 17. such as, together 1) such 2) so 18. die 1) died 2) has been dead 3) death 19. writer 20. magazine 21. However 22. more than 1) taller than 23. Less than 6 hours 1) more , less 2) less, fewer 24. None 1) None 2) No one 3) Nothing 25. Swing 26. 1) How often 2) How often 3) How many times 4) How soon 5) How long 6) How far

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