

1. It is said that (据说...)the house(房子) along(沿着) the street(街道) will be demolished.

A)pulled down(拆毁, 使降低) B) rebuilt(重建)

C) renovated (修复,革新) D) constructed (建造,构造) 1.A. demolish的基本词义为“毁坏, 拆毁, *”。在句子中该词以被动语态的形式出现, 其宾语是句子的主语结构(the house along the street/街道两旁的房子), 所以 demolish在句中的词义为“拆毁”, 所以A是答案。 语法结构补充(It句型):

It is said/reported/required that…据说/据报道/据要求... 需要掌握的相关近义词词组:

build – put up – construct 建造

(A级难度)2. The staff(全体职员) of the company(公司) are always courteous and helpful(乐于助人的, 有用的). A) efficient (有效率的, 能干的) B) respectable(值得尊敬的)

C) well-informed(消息灵通的, 见闻广博的)D) respectful (尊重人的, 有礼貌的)

2. D. Courteous词义单一,其基本词义为“有礼貌的”, 所以D是答案。


efficient – able – capable 能干的

(A级难度)3.The construction(修建) of the railway(铁路) is said to (据说)have been terminated.

A) resumed (重新开始) B) ended(结束,终点)

C) suspended(暂停, 暂缓,悬挂) D) cancelled (取消) 3.B. terminate的词义较单一, 其基本词义为“结束” , 所以B是答案。


cease – complete – end – finish – stop – terminate(A级) 结束

(A级难度) 4. It is postulated that population(人口) trends(趋势) have an effect on (对...有影响)economic(经济的) fluctuations(波动).

A) challenged(挑战, 向...挑战, 质疑)B) assumed(认为, 假定)

C) accepted(接受,承认) D) doubted (怀疑)

4. B. postulate的基本词义为“要求, 假定”,所以B是答案。 需要掌握的相关近义词词组:

Have an effect on…- have an impact on…- influence – affect 影响

(B级难度) 5.When Jack eventually(最终) overtook the last(最后的,持续) truck(卡车) he pulled over to (把车开到...)the inside lane(里面的车道).

A) skipped (跳,跳跃, 跳读) B) passed(通过, 超过, 传递)

C) reached (到达, 伸出, 范围) D) led (领导, 致使,铅) 5.B. overtake的基本词义为“赶上;超过”,所以B是答案。 需要掌握的相关近义词词组:

reach – get to – arrive at 到达

cause – create – bring about – lead to 造成,导致

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