



一.听录音,选出所读的内容的编号,添在左边的括号里。(10分) ( ) 1. A. fail B. face C. feel D. felt ( ) 2. A. here B. her C. shirt D. hers ( ) 3. A. dizzy B. dirty C. different D .busy ( ) 4. A./draiv/ B. /draivd/ C. /daiv/ D./drive/ ( ) 5.A. pig B. big C. pick D. live ( ) 6. A. nose B. not C. no D. knew ( ) 7.A.light B. night C. right D. side ( ) 8. A.6059143 B.6091534 C.6095134 D.6905123 ( ) 9. A. head B. hand C. hat D. cat ( ) 10.A. /weit/ B. /eit/ C. /rais/ D. /leit/ 二.听录音,写出句子中的单词。(5分) 1. I’m__________ shorter__________ you. 2. __________ the __________ with you?

3. My_____________ ___________ TV last night. 4. Lily often _________ _________ in the morning. 5. My throat is ___________. My nose __________. 三.听录音,根据所听问句给下列答句排列顺序。(5分) ( ) No, she didn’t. ( ) Yes, I’m.

( ) He often does his homework. ( ) We went to Jack’s home. ( ) At six o’clock..


( ) 1. Cindy cleaned her room in the morning last Saturday. ( ) 2. Cindy went to the park with her friends. ( ) 3. They rowed a boat in the park last Sunday.

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( ) 4. They climbed a big mountain. ( ) 5. Cindy had a happy weekend.


1._____________ 2.____________ 3.____________ 4.___________ 5.__________


一.选出划线部分与其他发音不同的单词编号。(5分) ( ) 1. A. leave B. bread C. season D. leaf ( ) 2. A. fall B. take C. walk D. wall ( ) 3.A.hiking B. fly C. kite D. lady ( ) 4.A.cloudy B. how C. know D. cloud ( ) 5.A.active B. grass C. glass D. father ( ) 6.A. evening B. elephant C. even D. these ( ) 7.A. full B. excuse C. student D. pupil ( ) 8. A. cook B. food C. moon D. soon ( ) 9. A. think B. thin C. clothes D. Thursday ( )10. A. whose B. where C. when D. what 二.根据句意,把单词补充完整,使句子合理通顺。(4分)

1.The doctors are working in the h__________. 2. I can r_________ a horse .It’s very fun.

3. T_____________ is the third day of a week. 4. Sam is a w____________ at a toy factory.

5. What is the d____________ today? It’s April 6. My f_____________ food is fish.

7. He bought many p____________ for me yesterday. 8. She is very e_________ because she got a new bike. 三.用给出单词的正确形式填空。(5分)

1. The football is __________ (he). 2. Look, Nancy is__________ (dance) in the room.

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3. Tom always ___________ (get) up at 6:30. 4. March 8th is ___________(woman ) Day.

5. My mother is __________(thin) than me . 6. John, _________(go) back to your seat.

7. –What are those?----They are toy __________(bus).

8. Jim and his parents __________(go) to Yunnan last summer holiday. 9. We are going to__________(have) a picnic this weekend. 10. __________(tomato) are sweet. 四.按要求改写句子。(11分)

1. football, yesterday, the, they, playground, afternoon, in, played。(连词成句). _______________________________________________________________ 2. Liu Yun went to a zoo last Sunday. (就划线提问)(1分)

_______________________________________________________________ 3. Peter went swimming last Monday. (就划线提问)(1分)

_______________________________________________________________ 4. Tom often washes clothes. (改否定句)

_______________________________________________________________ 5. I prepared to go to school. (重写句子)

________________________________________________________________ 6. What a hot weather she is! (改错)(1分)

________________________________________________________________ 7. Those are engineers.(该为单数)

________________________________________________________________ 五.选择题。(10分)

( )1. Where did you go_______ your holiday ? A. of B. on C. to D. in

( ) 2. There is a football match ________ Class One ________ Class Two.

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