

Unit 1 The Perfect Swarm

Narrator: Damage from swarms of locusts can reach disastrous proportions. A single swarm of desert locusts can consume over 70,000 metric tons of vegetation a day. There is, however, one continent

that’s locust-free: North America.



Interestingly enough, this wasn’t always true. For hundreds of years, the Rocky Mountain locust was a common pest in the American West. Back in the mid-1800s, thousands of pioneers journeyed across the U.S. in search of free land and new opportunities. They settled on the frontier of the western states, and began to farm the land intensively, growing corn and other crops. 有趣的是,这并不总是真实的。几百年来,落基山脉的蝗虫是美国西部的一种常见害虫。早在19世纪中叶,成千上万的先驱者跨越美国在自由的土地和寻找新的机会。他们定居在西部边境,并开始对土地进行集中耕种,种植玉米和其他


Then, in 1875, out of nowhere, a rare combination of air currents, drought, and basic biology produced the right conditions for an unthinkable event, the worst storm ever recorded, the “perfect swarm.” It came over the horizon like a strange, dark cloud. Not millions, not billions, but trillions of insects, sweeping through the land like a living tornado. Those who saw the incredible event and survived never forgot

what they witnessed.


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The swarm came together over the state of Texas, and soon moved quickly across the frontier in a huge destructive cloud that was nearly 3,000 kilometers long. The storm spread north towards North Dakota. The locusts eventually went as far west as the Rocky Mountains, leaving a path of devastation and

destruction wherever they went.



An account from one person who observed the swarm described the locust storm. The locusts came down from the sky like hail. Frightened people ran screaming into their homes as the locusts’ claws dug into their skin and hung upon their clothing. They heard sharp cracks as the insects came underfoot. The large locusts were everywhere, looking with hungry eyes turning this way and that. Their bodies blocked the sun, bringing

darkness along with the destruction.



Crop damages were absolutely astonishing. If such destruction were to happen today it would cost an estimated US$116 billion, more than the most costly hurricane in American history. And then, something remarkable happened: the Rocky Mountain locust simply

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At the University of Wyoming, entomologist Dr. Jeff Lockwood has spent over a decade investigating why the

Rocky Mountain locust disappeared.



Dr. Jeff Lockwood, University of Wyoming: “There were probably more locusts in the largest swarm than there are stars in the Milky Way — trillions. Not only is something of that scale and magnitude and power gone, but it’s gone within a few years. It’s not as if we had a tremendous series of earthquakes or tidal waves or forest fires. And so it doesn’t make sense that it could’ve gone extinct. There’s no reason for it to

have done so. It’s a great mystery.”

杰夫博士:怀俄明大学洛克伍德,“有可能是更多的蝗虫在最大的群有比银河系中的恒星万亿。这不仅是一种规模和规模和力量去了,但它在几年内消失了。这并不是因为我们有一系列的地震或海啸或森林火灾。因此,它没有意义,它可能已经灭绝。没有理由这么做了。这是一个伟大的奥秘。” Narrator: It’s a mystery that Lockwood is determined to solve. Whatever wiped out the Rocky Mountain locust changed American history. Exactly what could have destroyed a plague nearly 3,000 kilometers long? Lockwood is on the case. He starts the investigation with the victim itself. Unfortunately, very few locust specimens exist, and those that do are often in bad




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