临床诊断学 问诊课后习题



A.起病情况与患病时间 B. 诊治经过 C. 月经史 D. 伴随症状 E.腹部肌紧张 2、以下哪项不是个人史的问诊内容

A. 社会经历 B. 习惯与嗜好 C.大小便情况 D.职业 E. 出生地 答案:1.E 2.C 二、简答题:

1、试述现病史问诊的内容? 现病史:是病史中的总体部分,它记述患者病后的全过程,即发生、发展、演变和诊治经过。 现病史问诊内容包括:

1. 起病情况与患病时间;2。主要症状的特点;3。病因与诱因;4。病情的演变与发展; 5.伴随症状; 6。诊治经过; 7。病程中的一般情况;


1. What should be asked when you make inquisition?

1. General data: such as name, sex, age,native, birth place, profession, marital

status, source of history and estimate of reliability etc.

2. Chief complaints: It should constitute in a few simple words the main reasons

why the patient consulted his physician, which usually includes symptoms or sign the patient is suffering.

3. History of present illness: It should be a well-organized, sequentially developed

elaboration of patient’s chief complaint or complaints. A good history will reflect the facts that your diagnosis or impression is going to be made.

4. Past history: Health condition and disease which the patient suffered before the present illness. Infectious disease, surgery, allergy are essential part of the case history.

5. Systems review:

The purpose of this review is twofold:

(1): A thorough evaluation of the past and present status of each body system. (2): A double check to prevent omission of significant data relative to the

present illness.

6. Personal history: It includes those relating to smoking and alcoholic beverages (duration and amount), sedatives, social history, profession and working condition.

1.Marital history: This review includes data concerning the health of the mate, the number of children and their physical status. 2.Menstrual history 3.Childbearing history

4.Family history: Inquire the disease of patient’s first relative which might be hereditary, such as heart disease, hypertension, diabetes etc.

2. How to ask the patient for his present history of illness?

It includes the following aspects:

(1). Onset and duration of the disease.

(2). Main symptoms, location and their character. (3). Etiology and provoking factors. (4). Evolution of disease (5). Associated symptoms. (6). Treatment and its effects.

(7). General condition, especially the dietary habit.

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