
Enjoy sunrise from the hilltop as you learn about wildlife, plants, history and forest. Ages 8 and up




Electricity safety tips

Electricity makes our lives easier. We use (A) a lot of electrical appliances in our homes(B)daily. Here are three of them. How can we use them (C)_____? Rice cooker

? ?

Keep the outside of the pot dry.

Do not switch the rice cooker on if the pot is empty.

Washing machine

? ?

Do not put your hand in the washing machine when it is on. Unplug it when you are not using it.



(D)Do not switch it on when it is empty, because it might start a fire.


Stand (E)至少____ one metre away (F)_____ the microwave when it is on.


Before you put an object in a microwave, make sure it is microwave safe.

You and your family are invited to join the YMCA for a Halloween hike up Badger Mountain! Mae sure to wear your Halloween costumes1 / 4

Enjoy sunrise from the hilltop as you learn about wildlife, plants, history and forest. Ages 8 and up

1. 写出文中划线部分的同义词或近义词语:(A)_________(B)_________ 2. 在文中(C)和(F)的空白处分别填入适当的单词:(C)_________(F)__________ 3. 将文中划线部分(D)改为;

It might stat a fire_______ you mustn’t _______ it on when it is empty.

4. 将文中划线(E)部分译成英语:________________________ 5. 从文中找出能说明本文主旨大意的词语:_______________________

Unit 6 More practice


appliances hand on Keep away easier when sure Before empty Electricity safety tips

Electricity makes our lives 1_____. We use a lot of electrical 2_____in our homes every day. Here are three of them. How can we use them safely? Rice cooker

* 3____ the outside of the pot dry.

* Do not switch the rice cooker 4____ if the pot is empty. Washing machine

* Do not put your 5____ in the washing machine when it is on. * Unplug it 6 ____ you are not using it. Microwave

You and your family are invited to join the YMCA for a Halloween hike up Badger Mountain! Mae sure to wear your Halloween costumes2 / 4

Enjoy sunrise from the hilltop as you learn about wildlife, plants, history and forest. Ages 8 and up

* Do not turn it on when it is7 ____, because it might start a fire. * Stand at least one metre 8____ from the microwave when it is on. * 9____ you put an object in a microwave, make 10____ it is microwave safe.

Unit 6 More practice


Electricity safety tips

Electricity makes our lives__1__. We use a lot of __2___ appliances in our homes every day.H ere are three of them. How can we use them ___3__. Rice cooker

Keep the __4___of the pot dry.

Do not switch the rice cooker __5__if the pot is empty. Washing machine

Do not put your hand in the washing machine __6___ it is on. Unplug it when you are not using it. Microwave

Do not turn it on when it is empty,___7___it might start a fire. Stand __8___one metre away from the microwave when it is on. ___9___you put an object in a microwave, make sure it is microwave __10____.

( ) 1. A. easy B. easily C. more easy D. easier

You and your family are invited to join the YMCA for a Halloween hike up Badger Mountain! Mae sure to wear your Halloween costumes3 / 4

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