


(满分150分,完卷时间100分钟) 2015.1


Part 1 Listening (第一部分 听力)

I. Listening comprehension (听力理解) (共30 分)

A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) (6 分)

B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(8分)

7. A) Worded. B) Excited. C) Great. D) Angry. 8. A) A physics club. B) A dancing club. C) A music club. D) A movie club. 9. A) To work in McKing. B) To have lunch. C) To buy a hamburger. D) To help others.

10. A) A policeman. B) A teacher. C) A director. D) An engineer. 11. A) Two days. B) Three days. C) Five days. D) Ten days. 12. A) In a restaurant. B) In a library. C) In a cinema. D) In a hospital. 13. A) Her father. B) Her friends. C) Her classmates. D) Her cousins. 14. A) She doesn't like fish. B) She isn't interested in fish. C) She likes eating fish. D) She has had enough.

C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断 下列句子是否符合你听到的内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示) (7分) 15. Nicholas is only four, but he is clever enough to go to college.

16. When he was very young, Nicholas could speak only one language. 17. The boy could stay in the schools because he fek happy there. 18. The parents didn't know what to do with their son at first. 19. Nicholas studies both in a college and at home.



20. The story is mainly about how the clever boy's school helps him in every way.

D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列内容。每空格限填一词)(7分)

21. On Halloween we should __________ __________ some candy for trick-treaters. 22. I have __________ __________ memories of Halloween as a kid.

23. My parents don't want us to wander around __________ __________ in a strange place. 24. They are sometimes __________ __________ in a good way that they try to make us laugh. 25. My dad dressed up as a policeman and wrote parking tickets for __________ __________.

Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar

(第二部分 语音,词汇和语法)

II.Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案) :(共20分) 26. Which of the following words matches the sound ?

A) kiss B) cake C) cave D) case

27. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others? A) We should think of a plot when creating a comic strip. B) The fish are removed from the birds' mouths by Damin. C) Yesterday a bank robbery happened at the end of the comer. D) He was so shocked that he could hardly say a word. 28. Guide dogs help ______ blind walk free in the street.

A) a B) an C) the D) /

29. A healthy diet is essential ______ everybody. You should care more about what you eat. A) for B) to C) in D) about 30. A friend of mine usually sells some vegetables and shares ______ with his family. A) another B) other C) the rest D) the other 31. My mother is a creative cook, so she often cooks ______ for me every weekend. A) anything different B ) nothing different C) something different D) everything different

32. As people get older, their short-term memory becomes ______ and they can't remember things clearly. A) bad B) worse C) better D)good 33. When an earthquake happens, you should go outside as ______ as possible. A) quick B) quicker C) more quickly D) quickly 34. Jenny often thinks of herself, ______ her sister, Mary is very friendly to others. A) so B) but C) and D) or 35. The old man still coughed a lot ______ he took some medicine.

A) if B) since C) because D) although 36. The summer holiday is coming, so he decides ______ to Beijing for his holidays. A) go B) to going C) going D) to go

37. The thief denied ______ the mobile phone from the young lady when he was caught. A) stealing B) to steal C) steal D) stole 38. I ______ from Mr. Black since he moved to Beijing. I'll visit him when I go there. A) haven't heard B) won't hear C) don't hear D) didn't hear 39. My sister ______ much charity work in her free time when she entered college. A) has done B) will do C) did D) does



40. After the serious illness Ebola (埃博拉疫情) happens, more doctors ______ to help save the patients in Africa.

A) needed B) are needed C) need D) are needing 41. Before taking a plane at the airport, all passengers ______ go through safety check. A) can B) must C) may D) ought to 42. ______ warm and rainy weather it was last November in Shanghai!

A) What B) What a C) What an D) How 43. Could you tell me ______?

A) how could I protect myself from the air pollution B) how can I protect myself from the air pollution C) how I could protect myself from the air pollution D) how I can protect myself from the air pollution

44. - I think teenagers should be strict with themselves at any time. - ______

A) I agree. B) Not at all C) That's all fight. D) That's a good idea. 45. - Excuse me, I want to complain about this soya milk. - ______

A) How do you like it? B) Do you agree?

C) What's the problem? D) What do you think?

III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once. (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空限填一词,每词只能填一次) (共8分) A) designers B) as well as C) much D) protect E) show Most of the time, people wear hats to protect themselves from bad weather conditions. Hats are also worn to 46 politeness and as signs of social position. But nowadays, hats, especially

women's hats, are 47 more than that. In fact, hats have changed into fashion and style symbols by many movie stars. What's more, people now consider many different features (特点) when choosing even a simple hat. Many 48 point out that when choosing the right hat, it's important to consider the color of your skin 49 your hair, your height, and the shape of your face. A) different B) also C) difficult D) for example E) wear First of all, the color of the hat should match the color of your skin and hair, 50 , you shouldn't wear black hats if you're dark skinned. Second, the height of the hat is 51 an important point. Tall women should not go for hats with tall crowns, just as short women should choose hats with upturned brims to give the took of height. Most importantly, the shape of the face decides the kind of hat one should 52 . A small, gentle hat that matches the head looks good on a small face. However, women with big, round faces should choose a 53 style. As the saying goes, \can not only help your dress but also support your features, so why not choose the best possible one next time you want to be in public?

IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词 的适当形式完成下列句子) (共8分)

54. The program introduced how the police dealt with two __________ in the small town. (robbery) 55. Mr. Smith and his wife are preparing for their son's __________ birthday party. (nine) 56. Don't always depend on __________ parents because you have grown up.(you) 57. I haven't received any letters from my pen friend in England __________. (recent) 58. The street artists make the audience glad in a __________ of ways. (vary)

59. Keep trying hard, and you will __________ in making your dream come true. (success)


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