新概念英语第二册习惯用语大全:Lesson 35

新概念英语第二册习惯用语大全:Lesson 35

Lesson 35

1.act vi.1.行动,做事2.(机械,药物)起作用3.表演 n. 1.行动,行为2.法令,条例 act up 发作,尤指疾病的发作

例句:Are your allergies acting up again? I thought your doctor gave you medication for that last week. 你又过敏了吗?我记得上周医生为你开过药了。 2.far adj. 远的,较远的 adv.1.远2.非常,甚 far from 离…还差得很远,远不是

A:I see a new bookstore has just opened on Matin street. A:我看到梅茵大街上刚刚又开了一家新书店。

B:It may be a new store. But the books are far from new. B:它可能是个新书店。但是那里的书很旧了。

far from being desired 远远不够,远不能令人满意(far from enough)

例句:In social investigations, our efforts are far from being desired.


3.rush n. 冲,急速行进 v. 冲,(使)突进 adj.(交通)繁忙的 rush hour(交通的)高峰期

1.A:Why don't we drive downtown now?


B:Wouldn't it be better to wait until after rush hour? B:等交通高峰过去不好吗?

rush job 急活,很快就要做完的工作

例句:Mike promised he'd help on this rush job. But he never showed up.


what's the rush 不要急,慢慢来(参见there is no rush) A:Quick, you go get the tickets while I park the car. A:快点儿,你去买票,我来停车。

B:What's the rush? The train is pulling away from the station right now.

B:急什么?火车正在驶出站台。 4.stop vt.停止,阻止 n. 停止

stop by 参观,拜访,探望(同义习语有:drop in, drop by, drop over, stop in, stop over, come in, come by, come over, 能够一起记忆)

例句:I still have to stop by the drugstore and get my allergy prescription refilled. 我还得去一趟药店再抓一副治过敏的药。 stop over 参观,拜访,探望(参见stop by) 例句:I'll stop over the day after tomorrow. 我后天过来。

5.straight adj.1.直的2.端正的 adv.1.径直2.正直,直率 straight A's 全是A,全优的成绩

例句:Peter got straight A's this semester. 这个学期彼得的成绩全是A。 6.waiting adj.等待的,等候的 wait room 候诊室

A:I need to find a dermatologist. You're familiar with Dr.Smith. Do you recommend her?

A:我需要找一个皮肤病医生。你和史密斯医生很熟。你推荐她吗? B:Well, I've been seen by her by a few times. And the best I can say for her is she has interesting magazines in her waiting room.


例句:Last Monday when I was at Doctor Smith's office, spent over an hour in the waiting room.

上个星期一我在史密斯医生的诊所时,在候诊室里等了一个乡小时。 7.while n. 一段时间

in a little while 一会儿之后

例句:I'll have this finished in a little while. 我一会儿就来把这做完。

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