六年级英语下册(PEP)同步习题----3. Unit 3单元检测(含听力材料)


Listening Part(听力部分)

一、 Listen and choose.(听音,选出所听到的单词,将序号填在括号内。)( )1. A.photos B.holiday C.basket

( )2. A.sounds B.could C.made ( )3. A.labour B.laughed C. licked ( )4. A.parents B.park C.part ( )5. A.fell B.feel C.hotel

二、Listen and number. (听音,据你听到的内容,给下列图片标序号。)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

三、Listen and choose. (听问句,选答语,将序号填在括号内。) ( )1. A. We went to Sanya. B. We went swimming. ( )2. A. He took lots of pictures B. He likes dinosaurs. ( )3. A. He went to the moon. B. By spaceship.

( )4. A. I’m OK now. B. I saw lots of grapes. ( )5. A. Yes, I did. B. No, they didn’t. 四、Listen and write. (听一听,并完成句子。)

1.What happened?

I fell off my bike and _______ ____ ________. 2. Did you go to Tianshan? Yes, ______ ________. 3. What did you do there?

I _____ _____ _____and ______ ________.

Writing Part (笔试部分)

五、Read and choose.(读一读,选出不同类的一项,只填序号。)

( )1. A .licked B. laugh C. saw ( )2. A. could B. see C. went ( )3. A. beach B. mule C. Turpan ( )4. A. fell B. till C. stayed ( )5. A. was B. did C. dressed 六、 Look, read and write. (看图,根据图片提示完成句子。) 1. What did Lisa do on the Labour holiday?

She _______ _________ . . 2. What happened, John?

I ______ _____ ________ . (脚受伤) . 3. What did you do yesterday?

I__________ __________for my friends.

4.Did you _______ ______ ________?

No, I didn’t. I _______ __________ with my friends.七、Look and write(看一看,写一写。)

go(过去式)_________ hurt(原形)__________ rode(原形)__________ buy(过去式)____________

take(过去式)_________ ate(原形)__________

were(原形)________ am/is(过去式)_________ drink(过去式)_________ ran(原形)_________ 八、Look and choose. (看一看,选出最佳答案。) ( )1.Where did Mr Guo go last Saturday? ______ A. He went to a park. B.He went hiking. ( )2.What ____you_____there?

We saw lots of grapes.

A.did did B.did do ( )3.______did you go with?

My parents and me.

A.Where B. Who ( )4.Did you go to Beijing last week?

A.Yes, I do. B.Yes,we did. ( )5.How did MeiMei go to the zoo?

A.She went on foot. B.She went to Hainan.

九、Read and choose.(读问句,选答语,并将序号填入括号中。) ( )1.Where did you go on your holiday? A.I’m OK now. ( )2.Did she go to Xinjiang? B.I fell off my bike. ( )3.How did he go? C.I went to Sanya. ( )4.What happened? D.He went by plane. ( )5.Are you all right? E.Yes,she did.

十、Look and write.(连词成句。)

1. did Mike what last do weekend ( ? ) ______________________________________ 2. did go you where ( ? ) ________________________________ 3. you to go Turpan did ( ? ) _______________________________ 4. go did you there how ( ? ) _______________________________

5. we there plane by went ( . ) _____________________________

十一、Read and tick(√) or cross(×).(阅读理解。) Monday, April,28

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