牛津版七年级英语下册unit 1 同步测试题(二)

同步测试题(二)7B Unit1牛津版英语 分)15分,计1

每小题, 小题10(共一、单项填空。 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。D、C、B、A从每题所给的 1. I like to chat__________ my parents__________ the balcony at the weekends. A. of; in D. with; in C. with; on B. about; at C 答案: Chen Ze, how old is your father this year? —2. __________. And my mother will have a party for his_________ birthday. — D. Fortieth; forty C. Fortieth; fortieth B. Forty; fortieth A. Forty; forty B 答案: you. for a__________ is There 3. this TV on match football wonderful a be will there says It evening. D. lesson C. message B. lamp A. fork C 答案:下列那个单词的重音在第4. Which of the following words has the stress in the second syllable? ( ?) 二个音节上 D. place C. country B. potato A. palace B 答案: __________ to buy his son__________. The old woman isn’t5. B. poor enough; enough food A. rich enough; enough food C. enough rich; food enough D. enough poor; food enough A 答案: 6. I have a dream. I hope I can visit the Eiffel Tower with my English teacher__________. D. each day C. every day B. any day A. some day A 答案: Is Mr. Chen in the office now? —7. ll ask him to__________. ’No, he is out. If he comes back, I— A. call you back B. take a message C. talk about you D. look after you A 答案: ) that __________people in the world

play it. 令人兴奋的8. Football is so exciting( D. two millions C. two millions of B. millions of A. million of B 答案: 9. My son wants to have__________ computer at home. C. her own B. his own A. to own D. own him B :.答案 capital city? Which of them isn’t a 10. B. London A. Paris D. Moscow C. New York C 答案: 11. I hope all of you__________ my birthday party. D. coming to C. are come to B. can come to A. to come to B 答案:

12. My bedroom is the best place for me to__________. I have

many CDs in it. D. play computer games C. play football B. read books A. listen to music A 答案: Excuse me , how does this number 12,345 read ? —13. It reads__________. — A. twelve thousands, three hundred and forty-five B. twelve thousand, three hundred forty-five C. twelve thousand, three hundred and forty-five D. twelve thousands, three hundred forty-five C 答案: __________, please? —14. This is Simon. — s speaking ’C. Who B. Who is this speaking A. Are you Simon D. Is this Simon speaking C 答案: __________, please? —15. Sorry, he is not at home now. — D. Is this Jim C. May I speak to Jim B. Who are you A. What is your name s house ’ C 答案: 分)10分,计1小题,每小题10(共完形填空。二、四个选项中,选出最佳选项。D、C、B、A阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每題所给 2 a in live

you If have? house your does 1 many house? How big a in live you Do 1. one. In China, many people don’t have )幸运的lucky(you’re the ), 空间place with enough room( 3 big houses to live in. I have a penfriend in Anhui Province. His family live in a small house day every school to 4 he But school. his from away far is house The rooms. two only his of members four .The 5 ownhis have doesn’t he home, At bike. no has he because 6 can’t) 甚至family sleep in the same room. They have no kitchen or dining room. He even( he And homework. his do to place a a sister, His school. after family his for work 7 8 )school 离开leave(to has girl, 15-year-old for money enough have doesn’t family their ). 学费schooling( 9 two My penfriend is one of the millions of poor children in China. Those children need our help. ) some money to Project Hope. They will help the 捐赠can we help them? We can donate( 10 poor children in many ways. It’s always nice to help others, right? D. desks C. tables B. rooms A. houses )1(答案:B D. short C. tall B. small A. big )2( A 答案: A. by )3(D. for C. in B. with B 答案: C. walks B. drives A. rides )4(D. goes C 答案: D. bedroom C. bathroom B. balcony A. dining room )5( D 答案: A. make )6(D. need C. find B. build C 答案:

D. may C. could B. can A. must )7( A 答案: D.

because C. and B. so A. but )8( D 答案: ’C. parents B. teachers’ D. girls’ A. children’s )9( A 答案: C. When A. What )10( B. Why D. How A 答案: )分)30分,计2小题,每小题15(共阅读理解三、 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。D、C、B、A阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 love I 1. like look even some and houses, big of lot a has road This Road. Highgrove visit to palaces. Highgrove Road is next to a beach. I love to sit on the beach and dream what these houses look like inside. My favourite house is a pink house at the end of the road. In my dreams this house has at least four sitting rooms and two dining rooms, all on the ground floor. One dining room is for the family and the other one is for friends. It has a really big kitchen next to the dining rooms. The house has three bedrooms on the first floor and five bedrooms on the second floor. Each bedroom has a bathroom with a toilet, a sink, a bath and a shower. The house is very tidy and quiet. In front of the house, there is a big garden with a swimming pool. It is the biggest swimming pool in the whole town. A friendly family lives in this house and they often invite friends over to use their swimming pool. My dream is to live in a house just like this. My mother thinks I should stop dreaming and start studying for my exams! 根据对话内容,选择正确答案。 Highgrove Road is next to________. )1( D. a

big house C. a palace B. Claire’s school A. a beach A 答案: What is the colour of Claire’s favourite house?)2( C. Pink. B. Purple. A. Red. D. Blue. C 答案: )there are in this house? 想象How many bedrooms does Claire imagine()3( D. Three. C. Five. B. Ten. A. Eight. A 答案: ________. Claire’s dream is to)4( A. pass her exams B. buy this house ) house 相似的D. live in a similar( C. use the swimming pool D 答案: e look like? Claire’s real housWhat may )5( D. It is clean. C. It is very big. B. It is very small. A. It is new. B 答案: 2. d like to live in a large flat on a busy street. My home is on the top floor ’m thirteen. I’I of a tall building, so I can see the whole city from the window at night. I think it must be Amy go I and mother My home. my near malls shopping many are There beautiful. very

shopping every Saturday. one ) near the city 别墅I would like

to live in a beautiful villa(I come from Moscow. day. It has two floors with a big garden. We have a big dinning room and a nice kitchen. Potter ). 健身房We employ a cook and he can cook different meals for us. We also have a gym( My parents and I often exercise there. ) house in a small town. The house is near the 木制的I live with my family in a wooden( river. It has ten rooms. My grandparents, my parents, my three sisters, my brother and I Madee It is very beautiful here, but it second child of my family.

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