
Unit2 Part A 阶段测试卷

一、选出不同类的一项。 ( ) 1. A. drank ( ) 2. A. room ( ) 3. A. last weekend ( ) 4. A. TV ( ) 5. A. how 二、看图,写短语。

B. clean B. clothes B. last week B. cleaned B. stayed

C. stayed C. watched C. his C. washed C. played

1. __________ 2. __________



__________ 4. __________

( ) 1. What ________ you ________ last weekend?

A. do; do

B. did; do

( ) 2. He stayed at home ________.

A. last night

B. tomorrow

( ) 3. I watched TV ________ my mother.

A. with

B. and

( ) 4. How ________ your holiday?

A. are

B. was

( ) 5. ________ you do anything else?

A. Does

B. Did


1. How was your weekend? (回答问题) ________ ________ fine, thanks.

1 / 3

2. You did something else last Sunday. (变为一般疑问句) ________ you ________ anything else last Sunday? 3. I stay at home and watch TV every week. (变为一般过去时) I ________ at home and ________ TV last week. 4. Kelly washed her clothes last weekend. (就画线部分提问) ________ ________ Kelly do last weekend? 五、用数字给下列句子排序。 ( ) How are you, Mrs Black?

( ) I watched TV, too. Did you do anything else? ( ) Yes, I cleaned my room. ( ) It was good. I watched TV.

( ) I’m fine, thanks. How was your weekend, Mary? ( ) You are a good girl!

2 / 3

参考答案 一、 1-5 BCCAA 二、

1. watch TV 2. wash his/the clothes 3. clean his/the room 4. stay at home 三、 1-5 BAABB 四、

1. It was 2. Did; do 五、 145326

3. stayed; watched 4. What did 3 / 3

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