Swot Stands for strength, weakness, opportunities and threats. Swot analysis is an overall evaluation of a company current state by looking at its strength, weakness, opportunities and threats.
Swot analysis is considered to be a source of information for strategic planning which aims to develop full awareness of the company situation that will help in strategic planning and decision making of the company. COCACOLA COMPANY PROFILE
The Coca-Cola Company is a global company with some of the world's most widely recognized brands
It is the largest non alcoholic beverage company in the world with over 550 brand names offering in over 200countries; they produce everything that is of food and beverages including tea, orange juice, energy drinks such as monster, sports energy drinks and carbonated drinks The company was born in Atlanta, Georgia in 1886 by Dr John s Pemberton who is the inventor of the Coca-Cola beverage. The brand name and logo of the “Coca-cola” was suggested by Dr Pemberton?s bookkeeper called Frank Robinson.
Some of the Coca-Cola brands are produced and sold worldwide like Sprite and Fanta, while some brands are produced and sold for specific countries, For example Ambasa is a milk-based soft drink sold by The Coca-Cola Company in Japan.
Coca-Cola also operates on franchise business in which it produces syrup for beverages that are sold to its franchisee in different countries that produce Coca-Cola products.
Name Logo Coca-Cola Company Industries Served Target group Positioning of the product Geographical areas served Headquarters Current CEO Revenue Food and beverages All age group from kids to adults A beverage brand for the entire family Worldwide U.S.A, Atlanta , Georgia Muhtar Kent $ 48.01 billion (2012) $ 9.01 billion (2012) 146,200 (2012) 1.5 billion 90500 worldwide To refresh the world, To inspire moments of optimism. Profit Employees Estimated consumer serving per day Associates Mission SOME OF THE COCA-COLA BRANDS
Strengths are features of the business that provide an advantage over others in the industry. It includes organizational capabilities such as processing capabilities, financial resources, Products and services and customer locality. Coca-Cola company strength include the following
Coca Cola is an extremely recognizable company. Its products have Global reach with presence in over 200 countries.
Popularity is one of its superior strengths that are incomparable with other companies. Coca Cola is known very well worldwide. It's branding is easily recognized. Their products are well known to major parts of the world and customers accept the products.
Coca-Cola is the leading player in the global beverage industry that is found everywhere in the world.
Coca-Cola sells and manufactures many different products including carbonated drinks and energy drinks.