
I’m a super fat lamb

Green grass, blue sky, red flower, white clouds Green grass, blue sky, red flower, white clouds

I’m a little little lamb

I like the green green green grass I like the blue blue blue sky I love the white white white clouds

I’m a super super lamb I’m the beautiful and smart lamb I will study study study hard I’m the lovely fat lamb

I’m strong ! I’m beautiful! I’m lovely ! I’m handsome! I’m strong ! I’m beautiful! I’m lovely ! I’m handsome!

If you ask me , who are you? Who are you, my dear, my dear?

I’m strong ! I’m beautiful! I’m lovely ! I’m handsome! I’m strong ! I’m beautiful! I’m lovely ! I’m handsome!

If you ask me , who are you? Who are you, my dear? I’m the super fat lamb!

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